Submitted by FinnDool t3_10l11id in Connecticut

I’m leaning towards Think Energy but Constellation seems to be very popular. Anyone have a reason not to go with Think Energy (they are approved by the state)?

EDIT: Jeez - what a dope!!! Did anyone notice that I listed the rates in dollars instead of cents? I’m calling myself out on it. I guess it feels like rates are that high!

ENDING: Thank you to everyone who voted and provided input. I made the switch to Think Energy!

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linzy t1_j5txbub wrote

Just go with whoever is cheapest; my understanding is that the customer experience is pretty much the same for any of the suppliers.

A lot of people went with Constellation because it was lowest when the Eversource/UI rate change was first announced, but the prices have changed since then.


keepitupxxx t1_j5udge0 wrote

Know changing supplier will reduce usage cost but delivery fees will remain the same Eversource has there hands in it🤔


keepitupxxx t1_j5uez7h wrote

If CT continues this path with UI we will all live a poverty stricken life🤔 Ever bit will help


Synapse82 t1_j5ukys6 wrote

Whatever is cheaper, all the same.


spidyunderooz t1_j5v5cvt wrote

I switched to Think Energy, but doesn’t happen until the first of next month. Can cancel and switch to someone else with no penalty’s or fees, so why not the cheapest?


ct-yankee t1_j5v8un3 wrote

I always take the cheapest. in CT you can switch without fees. Constellation was just popular at the time becasue they were the lowest


FinnDool OP t1_j5vjvfj wrote

Thank you. Yes, this is the primary site where I got the rates (I also looked at others). I got an offer in the mail yesterday from Constellation for a $75 gift card (code OFFERFR8), but I’m more interested in the rate than other incentives.


apothecarynow t1_j5wy4ta wrote

Think is cleaner at 100 rec and cheaper ($91 in year @700kwh per month). So no reason to consider constellation. The gift cards are bs.


Abenotics t1_j5wyvp5 wrote

Are you referring to the statement below? If so, that's accurate. Those states don't allow fixed contracts, customers can leave service providers without an early termination. I've referred friends and family in CT without any issues.

> Your friend or family member must successfully enroll in a fixed-rate contract with a term of at least 12 months for a residence located within the areas we serve, except for Connecticut, Illinois, and New York, in order to qualify as a referral under the Refer a Friend program.


alocinwonibur t1_j5xcdi4 wrote

Just got a letter from constellation asking my ex if he wanted to move to them from Eversource as supplier. I'm going to call constellation but I'm pretty sure this letter says it's 36 months locked in… Don't know what happened to the opportunity to opt out but probably time passed and everyone want to constellation.

Eversource has one heck of a nerve.