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wydellasaurus t1_j6fhbby wrote

Keeps eggs out of politics!


Language-Aromatic t1_j6fhfpa wrote

I’m getting downvoted for clearly a joke. Stfu


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6fjdfm wrote

You're getting downvoted bc it's actually Obama planning to do this with WalMart stores.


wydellasaurus t1_j6fr5a8 wrote

Did people think I was being serious? Holy shit we’re lost. Are there eggs in politics? I don’t know what’s happening anymore


Language-Aromatic t1_j6fu0fh wrote

My reply was more general then directly to you I should have stated that.


rare72 t1_j6hr2pz wrote

Edit your post then, lol. There are lots of ppl out there who believe that shit, and who will think not know you were joking. I thought you were one of them.


Language-Aromatic t1_j6hr56h wrote

Why I put down what I really thought at the very bottom instead of a /s


IndicationOver t1_j6iqv3j wrote

All could have been avoided with /s

Even with what you put at the very bottom lol