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the-crotch t1_j5obp4i wrote

Yes, so unfortunate that we can't shoot people in the back for stealing an ipod


B6304T4 t1_j5ovocv wrote

Did they ring your door bell to let you know they'd ONLY be taking your iPod, or should we just assume they're not going to steal your car or better yet use your garage door opener to get in your house?


the-crotch t1_j5ox7ky wrote

If I badly wanted to shoot them, like you seem to, I'd let them come in the house. We have castle doctrine in CT I'd be free and clear legally speaking


B6304T4 t1_j5p10of wrote

I don't but I also shouldn't have to wait until a threat is inside my house is my point. We should be stand your ground, not just castle doctrine. On top of it, we're a duty to retreat state too. So if you're being car jacked or robbed in your own driveway, you have to basically let it happen because it's "not in your dwelling".


the-crotch t1_j5p1z1b wrote

Stand your ground wouldn't apply here, they weren't threatening him they were stealing from his car and he'd still be in just as much legal trouble in a stand your ground state