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TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5rbc2d wrote

It's a prescribed medicine, should be a doctor or clinic. Pharmacists have enough to do filling scripts. Everyone should stay in their lane. This is stupid.


beansoupscratch t1_j5tpt8h wrote

You can buy Plan B which in some cases is the equivalent of taking 8 birth control pills at once


unicornbomb t1_j5tol32 wrote

Modern birth control pills have fewer health risks than OTC painkillers like Tylenol and Advil. This is pure gatekeeping without scientific or medical reasoning.


the-crotch t1_j5u3xnm wrote

Then allow them to sell it over the counter. Pharmacists don't prescribe medication, doctors do. This bill is really weird.


unicornbomb t1_j5uimbf wrote

Unfortunately removing the prescription requirements entirely would require federal action, it’s not within the powers of state governments. The most they can do under current regulation is to allow it to be prescribed by pharmacists (which 7 states currently allow) but it’s still an improvement over the current hurdles.


the-crotch t1_j5un0me wrote

I wasn't aware of that, now this makes a lot of sense. Thank you.