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the-crotch t1_j5u3i6p wrote

> I'm assuming folks would consult with a doc before going on it..

Why not have the doctor prescribe it then? If people are going to a doctor first what's even the point of this bill


Pruedrive t1_j5u42qm wrote

I'm gonna assume it's mostly theater.. but I also believe it's opening more channels for people to receive birth control. Less restrictions means it's harder to attack.. cause this is just another fight in the rights war on women's body autonomy.


maybe_little_pinch t1_j5v5f0g wrote

Say someone is on their birth control and are in between doctors. It can take months to get an annual in (I set mine up for MAY at the beginning of the month and I am due in march) as a new patient.

A pharmacist being able to fill a script in the meantime would be very helpful.

Also, the recommendation for women with no complications is every two years, not yearly.