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unicornbomb t1_j5uqjqr wrote

Not a dude. “Less risk” doesn’t mean “no risk” — it simply means the risk profile is below or on par with over the counter medications.

Also relevant: most progestin only pills are not associated with any increased risk in blood clots according to studies cited in the above article.

The increased risk only exists for combination pills, and even then it’s small - between 3-9 out of 10,000, vs 1-5 out of 10,000 without the pill.

This risk profile is extremely simple to filter out via simple self reported health surveys — for those who report they have a family history of clots, experience migraines, or are smokers - progestin only pills. This is the exact extent of risk profiling your doctor will do when it comes to prescribing the pill.

No one is arguing for pharmacists to be inserting iuds or implants in the middle of cvs, so this is really only relevant to the pill.