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iwanttobehappy2022 t1_j5uxpc5 wrote

You are very lonely and a weird person lol. Using 2 accounts to harass me for supporting the expansion of bc access in our state…simply because I stated pharmacists at chain pharmacies are spread too thin and voiced I would like women to be provided greater and more private access to doctors? Really weird man. Then you claim I didn’t read the short ass article, which I did and summarized it. Im not sure if you are mentally all there but you don’t seem okay nor have you made a logical point. What’s more bizarre, it seems you have read a completely different article and you seem to misreading my comments. I hope you stabilize.

You want birth control to be available without a prescription, fine but that’s not what this proposal is about. You keep restating, pregnant in capital letters which again is odd.

Hope for the best for you sir. If you want to start taking birth control or get an abortion, have at it, have fun. Best of luck bro!

And maybe the other oddly hyper aggressive commenter and you can become friends and go outside touch grass interact. Seek drug and mental health treatment.


unicornbomb t1_j5vpj65 wrote

Uhhh not to interrupt your conspiracy theory or anything, but you realize I’m… not the above poster? Get well soon, man.