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ZippittyDooBlah t1_j5on61u wrote

Depends. Some states have reciprocating laws, some don't.

Frankly, I wouldn't pay for a speeding ticket from Indiana unless I knew I had to return in less than seven years.

I see no to go to Indiana ever again.


Overall_Chart8110 OP t1_j5onqpl wrote

Unfortunately, not paying the ticket will suspend my CT license according to the DMV.


Gil_V t1_j5ooeuf wrote

Kinda answered your own question there, eh?


ZippittyDooBlah t1_j5oo9k1 wrote

Bummer. They've got reciprocity then.

You'll probably see some points on your license too, but that doesn't always mean higher rates. Some companies will let it slide for the first offense.


NotoriousCFR t1_j5otwtp wrote

Find a traffic ticket lawyer local to IN to at least drop it down to a parking ticket or something. Even with the lawyer fees, still cheaper in the long run than dealing with insurance going up, points on your license, etc.


Halldogau t1_j5oxxjo wrote

This is the answer. There are many companies that will put you in touch with a local lawyer there.


madnessdanz t1_j5ozdre wrote

That's odd.

They must handle tickets differently then tolls?

I know someone who owes Mass so much in tolls, it's not legal to drive in MA for them right now. But their CT license is fine.


stephen_pummel t1_j5p337c wrote

Your license privileges will most likely be suspended in Indiana only. If you don’t have an Indiana license you should have nothing to worry about assuming you don’t get stopped in Indiana again, if you don’t pay.