Submitted by SaysKay t3_10mf37p in Connecticut

We are considering moving from NYC to CT and are looking for a neighborhood that meets our needs: great schools, community feel, lots of families, possible to drive to NYC once a week, safe, progressive/liberal, diverse as possible. Does this exist? Haha



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BrutallyRational t1_j62pcmg wrote

The towns in the Greater Danbury area (Northern Fairfield County) are very nice and fit most of your criteria; Ridgefield, Brookfield, Bethel and Newtown to name a few places. They’re just over an hour from NYC, have excellent schools and community feel, and offer a great value if you don’t need to commute into the city every single day.


SaysKay OP t1_j63be53 wrote

We have been looking at Newtown thanks!


Lazy_Nobody_4579 t1_j64itud wrote

I wouldn’t really call any of the places listen above diverse at all. But they do fit your criteria otherwise and are very nice towns. If you want more diversity, you would just have to go a bigger town like Norwalk or Stamford. CT is still very segregated in some ways, due to historical redlining.


MatchingColors t1_j68hv10 wrote

Danbury is definitely diverse. Newtown is definitely not. I have lived in both towns.


chgjarjenelle t1_j65cwqk wrote

I grew up in Newtown (parents moved from the city to the area) and it was not very diverse, but the schools were great and it checks your other boxes. We went to the city frequently and my parents worked in Westchester. Good luck in your search!


SaysKay OP t1_j6ftay3 wrote

We visited some houses in Newtown today and it felt SO RURAL. I definitely need something that feels more like a city!


chgjarjenelle t1_j6ghlft wrote

I could see that! I don’t know how much it’s changed since mid-00s when I moved, but you generally had to go to the surrounding towns for anything more than a grocery store. And we lived kind of “in town” so it was a little walkable, but other areas definitely not. My parents got used to it, but it was definitely a change from NYC to be there.


URochRichie2 t1_j63g3p6 wrote

Consider the Farmington, West Hartford, Avon area. Very good schools, although housing prices are high. Also, I want to add that the people down voting you do not have the state of Connecticut's best long term interests in mind. If our state is to survive and thrive, we want to encourage New York residents to move here and bring their young family as well. So I say welcome.


Budget_Ad4621 t1_j64n04h wrote

West Hartford for sure. Diverse, Progressive, and more lively than most. Very affordable compared to Fairfield County.


Several-Ad-6465 t1_j66139i wrote

Thats going to be 2.5-3hrs to NYC though (depending on train or driving, and where you're trying to get). Otherwise fits all the other requirements :)


Karmic_Hazard t1_j62otgl wrote

Greenwich is probably what you're looking for. If you have the money for it, anyways.


[deleted] t1_j62u576 wrote

You can take a train from basically any town in Fairfield (including new Canaan and Wilton as they have spurs that connect them to the metro north) and pretty much any town in Fairfield will all of your boxes excluding diversity (but that doesn’t mean they aren’t welcoming for all). It would help to understand why you are leaving nyc and what you hope to have here that you don’t have there as well to place a good fit better. I made the move couple years ago


SaysKay OP t1_j63bis7 wrote

My husband has family on the shoreline and while we live NYC we are about to have our second kid and just can’t afford to live in NYC without moving from a neighborhood we deeply love


TheSecretAgenda t1_j62vgh4 wrote

Like the old saw. You can have it fast, quality or cheap. Choose two.

What's your budget?


SaysKay OP t1_j67oxdz wrote



curbthemeplays t1_j69te55 wrote

Look at Milford, Orange area. More affordable than lower FFC and tremendous area with lots to do. Near New Haven which is CT’s cultural and food capital.


[deleted] t1_j675d3m wrote

Diverse or great schools, pick one


bltkmt t1_j639d4l wrote

Bridgeport for sure.


SaysKay OP t1_j67p2e7 wrote

My in-laws are in guilford and it’s nice but my husband doesn’t like the commute to the city. Milford is nice but schools are eh. Greenwich is lovely but too expensive.


curbthemeplays t1_j69tr99 wrote

Milford schools are not eh. Where’d you get that from?

Number 32 in a state that is near the top in the country for public education.

It’s also socioeconomically diverse which is rare for a town with good schools.

Nearby Orange ranks almost near the top (it’s less diverse), but I doubt you’ll notice a huge difference in school quality.


SaysKay OP t1_j6ftivw wrote

This is helpful! Our real estate agent said the schools in Milford weren’t that great I’ll do some research.


curbthemeplays t1_j6gsbv1 wrote

Ugh. Real estate agents aren’t even legally allowed to say that. Maybe you need a new agent. 😉

It is also possible they are dealing with very dated perceptions of Milford from maybe the 90’s when money hadn’t poured in yet and schools didn’t perform as well as now.


SaysKay OP t1_j6hl03x wrote

I’ll definitely do some research! Thanks!


maxanderson350 t1_j640gvl wrote

I think your problem will be too many options, not whether such a place exists.

My top choice would be Greenwich, particularly Old Greenwich - very family friendly, easy train to the city (driving wouldn't be easy though, from anywhere), progressive, very safe, and beautiful.

For something less expensive, I'd opt for Fairfield or Milford, both of which are great towns and more diverse as well. Ridgefield is also great but not as convenient. Guilford and Madison too.

Farther afield, places like West Harford, Simsbury and Avon are excellent as well.


Delicious_Score_551 t1_j64gf0v wrote

I don't think a New Yorker will like Simsbury or Avon. These towns are too rural/suburb for a New Yorker. Community too .. it's far far far different than NY community.


stronghealthjourney t1_j65bvfb wrote

If you are looking for a bit much of a country/rural feel, but still drivable to the city, check out Easton. Moved there from NYC two years ago. Amazing schools and great community feel.


Onefortwo t1_j660hc4 wrote

Once a week to nyc is Fairfield county imo. Sure you could go further but with that frequency, you want to be at most 1.5 hours away


Zis4zinnia t1_j68fn0k wrote

Trumbull is a great family town.


BonzoBonzoBomzo t1_j68h009 wrote

You’re looking for Stamford - and if anyone says the schools in Stamford aren’t good they have no idea what they are talking about.


VitalisMan t1_j638ir4 wrote

Visit West Hartford


SaysKay OP t1_j67p6im wrote

No feasible to commute from there


VitalisMan t1_j68lc3r wrote

The OP mentioned driving once a week to NYC. Very feasible from West Hartford and I know someone who does exactly that and works remotely the other work days.


SusanMShwartz t1_j64tsw2 wrote

Wilton’s close to trains at Westport and has great schools and a community culture. It’s much quieter than new Canaan or Darien and a good deal smaller. Navy blue in all ways. I moved here three years ago to join my partner, who is a long term resident. Low key and friendly but housing prices are bad.


jaredsparks t1_j650s60 wrote

Of course. What's your budget?


BookOfMakai t1_j65421i wrote

I think New Milford is a very nice town, it’s on the border of New York, but the drive to NYC might be like 1 1/2 - 2 hrs


Unhappy_Paramedic_41 t1_j66g0gk wrote

Stamford is pretty diverse. Good neighborhoods,schools,nice people. My boyfriend is a New Yorker and he loves Stamford.


curbthemeplays t1_j69t7bm wrote

Milford 💯

Fits all your criteria and more.


Scared_Engineer7722 t1_j6f5l68 wrote

stay in ny no more progressive/liberals needed you’re ruining this once wonderful state


QueenOfQuok t1_j6fcfgi wrote

If that's what you're looking for in CT, you're spoiled for choice. I recommend West Hartford though. It's very walkable. Sidewalks from one end of town to the other.


Careful_Reveal_7091 t1_j63po7p wrote

Stay out of CT…. Too many of you fucks here already ruining rent and traffic.


diggemigre t1_j62okzg wrote

No, go to Jersey.


SaysKay OP t1_j62oo93 wrote

Well thanks…


Resident_Ant_6794 t1_j62ryyr wrote

Screw what he thinks. Honestly you’ll get those types in r/newjersey as well


houle333 t1_j659r3j wrote

Except New Jersey sucks so it's improved by new yorkers moving there. Where as in CT it's the opposite.