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bunkerbash t1_j6jkrd8 wrote

Can you message me your PayPal? And if you find come Friday that you don’t have a place other than your car to stay will you let us know so we can help you find a place for the night? I cannot impress upon you enough that it will be life threateningly cold. I expect, or at least hope, some places will open up additional warming shelters so you may not need to pay anything.


IndicationOver t1_j6jlug6 wrote


bunkerbash t1_j6jmbc4 wrote

Thank you for looking that up! Maybe someone should make a post with the info. Given how relatively mild it’s been so far, I worry this cold weather is going to catch people unawares.


Adventurous_Air2867 OP t1_j6jnooo wrote

Check your DM


bunkerbash t1_j6jqnm6 wrote

Sent. I hope your day gets a bit better!


Adventurous_Air2867 OP t1_j6jqz1w wrote

Thank you and once this flat is dealt with it will be a better day


Spartansam0034 t1_j6k0a7k wrote

I can help too if you have cashapp/venmo/PayPal. Nobody should be stranded in the cold.