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Jenaxu t1_j67d83d wrote

The entire thing needs to be completely overhauled tbh. It requires exactly 0 months of training to know that you don't need to beat to death a guy who can't even fucking defend himself anymore.


SadiesUncle t1_j67fn9x wrote

this will never happen thanks to the Fraternal Order of Police.

i’ll never get past the irony that the venn diagram of people who defend cops and people who hate unions is usually a circle


Nyrfan2017 t1_j68817j wrote

There is away and it’s by emailing and calling elected officals it’s by when civil rights groups have a plate form now with social media start endorsing candidates and stating what officals are not supporting the cause and getting thousands to vote them up . That’s how change will happen.


james_otter t1_j67jheh wrote

Yes that’s why I said they need to be vetted first, now in the US every power hungry asshole can be police in 6 months and “enforce” the law.