Submitted by rosey0926 t3_10myggx in Connecticut

Hey guys. This may be a long run but if anyone sees a 2008 silver Scion with plates 934- YFY please dm me. It's a stolen vehicle and the person slammed into my car and another car the other night before driving off. I was able to catch the plates but nothing more could be done.

Police said the vehicle was stolen from New Haven. I was hit in Bridgeport.

Thank you in advance!!

Edit: please feel free to contact Bridgeport/ New Haven police if spotted!!

Edit #2: it's a 2008 scion xD in a silver color.

Thank you to all for upvoting and commenting



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Yum_Kaax t1_j664b8h wrote

Do not DM OP, contact the police. We don't know OP. They could be a stalker for all we know. Probably not but protocol here is to contact police. OP should be perfectly fine with this.


rosey0926 OP t1_j664l15 wrote

That works too!! I've been google searching the plate and car everyday to see if any news coverage was reported 😭😭


Yum_Kaax t1_j664qjx wrote

I care, genuinely, but we have to smart and safe for all. I hope you get justice


johnsonutah t1_j663kxe wrote

Were they trying to rob you when you got hit? That’s the playbook in ct —> steal car —> use it to commit crime

Will keep an eye out!


rosey0926 OP t1_j664im2 wrote

Nope! They were speeding down the road, hit one car and then swerved right into me


IndicationOver t1_j661678 wrote

Toyota Scion?


rosey0926 OP t1_j661bfo wrote

Sorry I don't know how Toyota got in there. It's a 2008 scion


midmodmad t1_j662msu wrote

Good luck finding them.


rabidpirate t1_j664au9 wrote

A Scion what? They had like 4-5 different models. Just saying the brand don't help.


rosey0926 OP t1_j673vjy wrote

Hi I don't know who downvoted you but it's a 2008 Scion xD in silver.


rabidpirate t1_j67107a wrote

I'm downvoted for trying to get the actual helpful info from the OP who didn't bother responding?

Guess they don't care if their car actually is found afterall. Fair enough. Carry on.


SadAd9756 t1_j66yg95 wrote

If it's stolen, what do you plan on getting done if the vehicle is found? The thief/thieves will be long gone if not caught by police. Going to sue the vehicle owner?


rosey0926 OP t1_j673ywg wrote

You'd be surprised how dumb car thieves are. They'd park it at their house in this city. I've seen it happen


throwawayobviii21 t1_j68ciaj wrote

Why not report it to your insurance carrier? We have resources to be able to search plates and registration, as well as locating their insurance.

Also, how do we know that the vehicle is stolen? There's some awful drivers in Connecticut.


rosey0926 OP t1_j68cp3j wrote

The plate # was reported stolen from the police data base when I told them it at the scene. no one knows who was driving or I would have gone after their insurance/ sued civilly


throwawayobviii21 t1_j68d2f0 wrote

Insurance doesn't follow the person it follows the vehicle. It's likely that if the vehicle was stolen, it would have been reported to the owners insurance. They may have some more context on how to pursue.

Source: I'm a claims adjuster who handles theft/fire claims.


rosey0926 OP t1_j68d82i wrote

Thank you I'll look into this again. I did provide my insurance with all the info and they didn't really do much


ZebraRaptor t1_j69dv0a wrote

Any idea on damage that might be on the vehicle? Drivers side, pass side? What color were the two cars that were hit? Might have had paint transfer


rosey0926 OP t1_j69dxob wrote

The vehicle hit both of us head on. The second car was grey and my car is white


ZebraRaptor t1_j69f1nm wrote

Yikes hopefully you’re alright!


rosey0926 OP t1_j69fbiq wrote

Yes!! I'm extremely thankful for that and that my car still runs :') just extremely damaged


ZebraRaptor t1_j69l4d1 wrote

Ugh not fun. Accidents suck, I just had one a couple weeks ago and even though I wasn’t at fault it’s still so stressful. But cars can be replaced, people can’t! So that’s the best thing. But keep an eye on yourself and get checked out if you start noticing any soreness, sometimes it can take a few days for the pain to set in.