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phunky_1 t1_j5wrd4l wrote

... at least cardboard will break down naturally and is recyclable unlike most of the plastics that are not really recyclable regardless of it having a triangle on it.

Glass has no recycling value either because there is no market for it.

In RI they used to just grind up all the recycled glass and use it as fill for layer separation in the landfill because no one would buy it.

The best material for recycling is aluminum.

In general, recycling is myth.

Almost all of it just gets treated as trash anyway ever since China stopped accepting it. My recycling and trash gets dumped in the same truck, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it is just a farce and there is no divider in the truck to separate it.


TituspulloXIII t1_j5yr7bd wrote

Aluminum is the best, plastic containers need to go away and just use cans. Easy to recycle. If i buy something, I try my best to buy it out of an aluminum can if at all.

As far as cardboard/paper goes. I heat the house with wood. All Cardboard/paper just gets thrown into the stove (save it in the basement during the summer)