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MTGBruhs t1_j6nv3tk wrote

Common course cirriculum is ridiculous and doesn't prepare people for real life.

American public school is glorified babysitting, it's an important job and important for kids to go to learn and socialize but I don't blame the kids. Especially after having to do zoom school for two years with teachers who are: in pajamas, half-drunk, phoning it in or some combo of all 3.

Kids should go to school but we all know school is bullshit so what do you do? Truency officers? Get the parents involved?


StealthTrout t1_j6nwmjh wrote

You literally know nothing about what it's like being a teacher or how much work they had to put in throughout the pandemic on top of the incredible workload they already have. Stop making gross generalizations that you aren't qualified to speak on. Source: I live with a teacher


Miles_vel_Day t1_j6o10tx wrote

Could've stopped after "literally know nothing." This guy is just regurgitating dumb tropes and obviously has no knowledge of the actual situation in the classroom.


MTGBruhs t1_j6o0x0o wrote

I have teachers in my family also. The one's I know work hard. I'm sure the teachers you know work hard too. We both know there are teachers that do not work hard. I have no problem with a teacher if they are working hard but let's face it, the American education system puts them up against it. Not enough pay, too many students, poor conditions in the classroom etc. Then put on top of that having to teach kids who aren't even in the same room as you. The pandemic has drastically put both students and teachers behind the 8-ball when it comes to quality education and many are chosing to check out. That should come as no suprize, because school is bullshit in the first place, most of the current American cirriculum can be learned on youtube faster and better in most cases


EarthExile t1_j6o67l5 wrote

I assume you meant "Common Core?" You should watch your conspiracy videos with subtitles if you want to pretend to have any idea what you're talking about


MTGBruhs t1_j6ogyv9 wrote

You'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge, I was educated in a public school in America


EarthExile t1_j6ojqeq wrote

Take some responsibility and crack a book from time to time


MTGBruhs t1_j6okyvd wrote

I was clearly being facetious but okay. I'm actually waiting on a few books from amazon today. Should be a good read!


EarthExile t1_j6ox4hb wrote

So your education seems to have worked out fine, then.


MTGBruhs t1_j6p0se6 wrote

Only from my own personal efforts. I'm a naturally curious person and have a higher IQ than most. I do watch rick and morty after all


smkmn13 t1_j6nwf4a wrote

Did you read the article?

"To help combat the student chronic absenteeism crisis, the state launched a new program called the Learner Engagement and Attendance Program (LEAP) in April 2021 for 15 Connecticut school districts"

"The report claims that “attendance rates increased by about four percentage points in the month immediately following the first LEAP visit” and highlighted Hartford Public Schools for attendance rates increasing by “nearly 30 percentage points in the six months or more after treatment.”"


MTGBruhs t1_j6o31c6 wrote

It was wise of the state to use Covid funds for this purpose since this was directly affected by covid but that doesn't change what I said about the current American cirriculum. I don't think it should come as a suprize that kids are skipping school after spending 2 yrs at home and getting some of the worst education that we've ever seen
