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Yum_Kaax t1_jae683l wrote

Certainly see a lot of throwaway accounts here looking to scam people out of money and time. I'm sorry. I don't buy your story at all because you've spent the entire time pulling on heart strings and almost zero about what you have actually done. Did you call 211? Did you call family? Did you knock on the door of a shelter? Did you get a gym membership (showers). What did you do? Nothing. Because this story is fake and this is a scam.


SixToesLeftFoot t1_jae7ol5 wrote

I'm going to go verbatim with the previous poster. The only reason I am even replying is that that as more and more people see this, and in case his post gets pushed down, there will now be 2 of the same posts that call out your bullshit scam.

Heres his reply, consider it mine as well (but stolen from him)


Certainly see a lot of throwaway accounts here looking to scam people out of money and time. I'm sorry. I don't buy your story at all because you've spent the entire time pulling on heart strings and almost zero about what you have actually done. Did you call 211? Did you call family? Did you knock on the door of a shelter? Did you get a gym membership (showers). What did you do? Nothing. Because this story is fake and this is a scam.


munchies3 t1_jaeaikr wrote

I’m sorry but what? I have no reason to scam. I have no reason to lie. I have no reason to embarrass myself and put my situation on blast. Do you know how embarrassing it is to admit you’re homeless when you try so hard to make it look like you’re doing fine. If you message me I can show you whatever you’d like for me to prove that I’m homeless. I have dialed 211. My stepdad was the only family I really had. I’ve been going to gas stations and taking bird baths in the sink basically. I’m not asking for anything but to figure out where I can go or what I can do. You don’t have to be mean. I have no reason to lie.


microspora t1_jae8s2g wrote

Maybe this is a scam, I don’t know, but I have a little time to kill, so:

What part of the state are you in? Knowing that will let people make suggestions that you can actually drive to. Are you still working? How have you been eating since you lost the house last month?

Give us a some more information, it’s hard to give advice with what you’ve written here.


munchies3 t1_jae9wmf wrote

Sorry I should’ve added more info. Im in Waterbury. I am not working but I had an interview at Walmart yesterday so I think I should be working soon. I used to eat at least 2 times a day before this happened but lately it’s been slipping my mind to eat. So I’d say about once within 2 days something small if I can afford it. I’ve been getting headaches and have been feeling dizzy when I stand up fast. I forgot the name for the word.


microspora t1_jaecb81 wrote

You could try going to the American Job Center in Waterbury, the folks there can connect you with services around you (housing, food, job search assistance). They also have computers you can use to look for jobs, apply, and update your resume, etc. There are a lot of folks struggling right now but these services are free.

It’s at 249 Thomaston Ave, look for the small blue awning on the side of the building.


munchies3 t1_jaecnjw wrote

I looked them up. They are closing soon so I will try tomorrow. Access computer would definitely help. I do need to update my resume. So thank you kindly


microspora t1_jaedm75 wrote

When you go in, let them know you’re there for employment services and ask if you can speak with a career counselor. Then let that person know your full situation and ask if they can make referrals for you (for housing assistance, food, etc). They are mostly CT DOL staff in there but there are partner agencies who can help as well.

Good luck.


munchies3 t1_jaedtk7 wrote

Thank you. I’ll make an update here tomorrow


munchies3 t1_jaebhtl wrote

There’s a soup kitchen near Baldwin street I tried to make it to but I found out about it too late. So I’m going to try to make it tomorrow


munchies3 t1_jaec94d wrote

I don’t get why people are being mean to me. I’m literally just asking where I can go for help. People always say to ask for help and the one time I do I get ridiculed and belittled.


ReverieKitchen t1_jaeczaf wrote

There are alot of jobs out there. I am not sure by your posts what employment you haave had in the past, or for the last 4 months since your step-dad passed away, but it is an absolute certainty that if you can wash dishes or be a restaurant busser or server you can find employment immediately in the restaurant industry.


munchies3 t1_jaed9iv wrote

I wouldn’t mind washing dishes or bussing. I had an interview at Walmart yesterday I’m confident about.


ReverieKitchen t1_jaedqpf wrote

Then make the rounds to the restaurants near you. They also often offer shift meals. Working as a busser also means tips from servers, and then you can work up to becoming a server if you have no experience. Server wages are the highest paying job out there with very little experience or education required.


munchies3 t1_jaeej6q wrote

Thanks. Somebody told me about this app “Veryable” that’s supposed to have on demand work


ReverieKitchen t1_jaeer1h wrote

Try going to the restaurants. On-demand work is not employment.