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Significance_Healthy t1_jaa8xg6 wrote

nope. And the problem is if you call and they tell you it's available, and your doctor doesn't send the script that same day. Or even that same minute. They'll be sold out . And your back to square 1


Kodiak01 t1_jaehr29 wrote

> And the problem is if you call and they tell you it's available

No pharmacy will tell you over the phone what their inventory on any controlled medication is. This is a liability issue.


Significance_Healthy t1_jaf1gat wrote

some will, they wont tell you how many pills of each dose is on hand.And no is is asking them that. But they can and do sometimes tell you what they have available so you can drive down and get with a prescription.

Its a controlled medication but its not cocaine being sold in dark alleys. These are family drug stores open during the daytime most in commercial shopping centers lol


Kodiak01 t1_jaf3ru4 wrote

Any that do at this point are just opening up themselves to be robbed.

Go and ask in /r/pharmacy and you'll see.