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greenglasstree t1_j7v4bky wrote

We all know that he's a psychopath. You can't cure psychopathy.


TacoDaTugBoat t1_j7vqx5j wrote

We don’t currently have a cure for cancer, but we’re trying. There are people that are sociopaths that lead healthy fulfilling lives. Required therapy with mandatory check ins similar to parole.

You’re not a goat fucker till you fuck a goat.


WhittlingDan t1_j7y70nn wrote

There is no definitive test. Its not like there is a blood test or scan. Second where is the proof that 100% of people that met the definition would go on to harm? The whole concept of better to set 10 guilty free than condemn one innocent is pretty damn important. I wouldn't be surprised if you met some criteria for something harmful or related to criminal activity, should we incarcerate you just to be safe? What's next? Eugenica?


GetYoAzzWhacked t1_j7zvptr wrote

You don't know anything and neither do we, you're letting your love of animals cloud your judgment!