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timmahfast t1_j8nk8x2 wrote

A blinker doesn't give you the right of way. Also if you're waiting that long to get over for your exit then you need to learn to plan ahead. Lastly 10-20 feet is not a reasonable amount of distance to merge infront of a car, you're cutting people off which is why the don't let you merge.


Supreme_Salt_Lord OP t1_j8nkrwf wrote

Im far ahead of them 10-20feet going about 65-70mph. They speed up to 80-90 trying to beat my merge. ITS INSANE to think you are going to win that. I take the merger and slow down on their ass. They can fuck off and go to another lane.


absurd-bird-turd t1_j8nqvwm wrote

65-70 and youre moving over to yhe right lane? Guy if youre going that slow you should be staying in the right lane from the beginning. Lol


Supreme_Salt_Lord OP t1_j8nrf3e wrote

No no you mis read. Im getting off an exit to the RIGHT lane. Because the exit lane is closing soon.


absurd-bird-turd t1_j8nu5dv wrote

So shouldnt you be speeding up to match the pace of traffic? Ie if you see someone in that lane quickly catching up to you, shouldnt you speed up to slot infront of them?


Supreme_Salt_Lord OP t1_j8nuyj8 wrote

This is where the rub is, if im far enough ahead going atleast the speed limit lets say 70 and im way in the clear to get over and actively taking it. Im not speeding up to beat the asshole who decides to do 80 to try and beat me.

What happens if i have to break because of the car in front of me? I look out for me and drive defensively especially in this area. Maybe you have to be there to understand?

If you are in a hurry get in the passing lane, its that simple.


timmahfast t1_j8nlemh wrote

10-20 feet isn't even one car length. And what are they driving that can speed up that quick? Also,again, why are you waiting that late to merge?!?!?!?!? It's okay to be in denial that you're actually the problem. But please learn from this.


Supreme_Salt_Lord OP t1_j8nlu18 wrote

I take the merge as soon as i can. Also this the place that has an accident almost everyday. Ive been driving for decades, never had a fender bender. These people maybe even you are the problem. People here drive like they are on meth and it shows.
