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RunnyDischarge t1_j8nzlvj wrote

Op is a nut and thinks other people are the problem. Apparently they think putting on their blinker means they can pull into a lane no questions asked.


Supreme_Salt_Lord OP t1_j8o0hhh wrote

Im comming from the the exit that closes in 100 feet or so. I HAVE to get into the right lane lmao.

Reading this lets me know why there are so many accidents here.


SolomonG t1_j8oa7o0 wrote

the way you wrote it in the OP makes it sound like you are moving over for an exit, which is not the same thing.


RunnyDischarge t1_j8o5rfs wrote

Merging involves two people. Obviously the other person is always the asshole.

I HAVE to get into the right lane lmao and if there's a car there, too bad lmao!