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woodstove7 t1_j9v2tvr wrote

Annoyances? Focus on them and that’s all you’ll see. I love Connecticut. Grocery stores are well stocked. The infrastructure is better than I’ve seen in other states- some roads suck but mostly pretty good. Gas stations abound. EV charging is improving. Regional differences aside most towns have a real good pizza joint. Most areas have a good local brewery. You don’t need to drive far to get a nice hiking area if you look. Focus on the positives and you’ll see more of them. I wouldn’t recommend focusing on the negative.


DreadnoughtPoo OP t1_j9v33wc wrote

Totally agreed. I was more using my example of a n00b moving there as an annoyance being self depreciating and focusing on these things and intricacies of CT living.



woodstove7 t1_j9v3qsh wrote

Welcome to CT. Hope you have a safe move. The only thing I can think of is the liquor store is kind of frequently referred to as the packy- short for package store. It throws some people off if they hadn’t heard it before.


DreadnoughtPoo OP t1_j9vusi5 wrote


My father's from Dorchester, and even in CA has called liquor stores Packy's my entire life.

I got weird looks in school out here.