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marxianthings t1_jabi42h wrote

Not good. What are we doing with their war machines?


MajorJakov t1_jacf25k wrote

As much as I hate to say it, wars are never going to go away. And there will eventually be a WWIII. It's just a matter of time, so it's better to be prepared than not.

And future wars will most likely be fought 90% with naval/air force and drones as they can conduct operations with minimal loss of human life by not putting people on the front lines.


marxianthings t1_jacs56f wrote

I think it's on us to make sure wars don't continue. Especially our own democratically elected government fighting unjust wars and oppressing people around the world. There is absolutely something we can do about that.


BigAdditional9440 t1_jadrrmp wrote

Yes, if the USA stopped building submarines then there would be no more wars. Russia never would have even thought about invading Ukraine. You've figured it out!


marxianthings t1_jadursr wrote

We have contributed to the situation in Ukraine. We are the reason Putin and his oligarchs are in power in the first place! We have nearly a 1000 military bases around the world! We have a torture prison in Cuba! We are helping Saudi Arabia commit genocide in Yemen!

Forget about Putin for a second and look at what we're doing and have done for the 70 years.


BlizBlitz t1_jacr46s wrote

It’s just socialism with extra steps, that’s why it won’t ever go away. If we stopped funding these companies rn we would become a welfare state. If the gov really wanted to change they would have to do some big investments in some type of new industry (energy?) but even then I’m not sure how many jobs would be there, we have Pratt, EB and Sikorsky basically running the state in jobs.


marxianthings t1_jacshb4 wrote

Yeah the defense industry lobby is strong. And its fortified by obviously people who rely on those jobs.

The change would have to come from a federal level. That is why I liked the idea of the Green New Deal because it would have injected tons of money into building infrastructure, energy, etc. that we need and might've given us an alternative to defense sector jobs.

It will take a massive cultural and economic shift for sure.