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Xof34k t1_ja6g95y wrote

The weather and seasons in CT are basically the same everywhere so there isn’t a town that would have more rain or more autumn than any other.


Goingone t1_ja6huxz wrote

This is true.

But if snow is a consideration, the annual average amounts can vary greatly by town. Not unusual for towns in northern CT to expect 2-3x the annual snowfall relative to some coastal towns.


ThinButton7705 t1_ja6n41t wrote

Well autumn is pretty much all over the place here, but I think I get what you're saying, so maybe somewhere east ish, generally speaking you get more rain when you're closer to water, so on the coast. Maybe one of the Lymes would work.


PaulterJ t1_ja74vgp wrote

If I could choose anywhere to live. CT- Stonington MA- Rockport

But I'm way too broke. So I visit & stay at a cheap motel near a fish processing dock.


projectwise5 t1_ja7cajb wrote

West Hartford (sorry I had to), Cromwell, Rocky Hill, Farmington are always my go to towns along the river and close to Hartford. all towns get relatively the same amounts of rain


bent_peepee t1_ja7d565 wrote

I wonder how many of the people that make these incredibly low effort posts actually move here.


CTRealtorCarl t1_ja7yb3f wrote

I don't really have a specific answer, because an argument could be made for most of the state haha

But just wanted to reach out as a fellow fan of rainy days... Went for my run the other day in a light shower, incredibly relaxing.


beaveristired t1_ja9cl2b wrote

I have lived in: interior CT, western MA, Boston area, and coastal CT over the course of 40+++ years.

Interior CT - more humid in summer, snowier, colder

Western MA - snowiest, coldest, same humidity

Boston - cold, snowy, urban heat island

Coastal CT - milder, fewer extremes, less snow, rains when it snows elsewhere, windy, late falls, cool springs (warmer springs inland), less humidity in summer.


akb__ t1_ja9zlxz wrote

I’d say west hartford but I think it’s frowned upon to suggest that in this sub. So not west hartford