Submitted by Guardian_Devil1998 t3_113h2jk in Connecticut

You can say I should have kept informed, maybe that's the case. I don't watch the news, I don't try to spend time on social media. Why the hell do I have to prove I worked all those hours throughout the pandemic? I even see they got more applications than expected. No fucking shit! Some of us worked to the fucking bone and weren't eligible to stay home! Only 3 months to apply between August and October? No one mentioned this to me when it was available so, yeah, can you blame me for being agitated?



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esgarf t1_j8r33w0 wrote

I knew about it and tried to apply so many times but the website wouldn't load for me to finish. Thaaaaaanks.


Guardian_Devil1998 OP t1_j8s6ys0 wrote

I've seen some comments like yours too, some people it didn't complete or even load


Suspicious-One5822 t1_j8rb8jz wrote

Its a broken system. My coworker was approved for it but I was denied and we do the exact same job for the same hours same everything. He's getting $800 i get nothing. Bunch of bull


Guardian_Devil1998 OP t1_j8s795m wrote

Sounds like they really didn't keep track how many people stayed home vs who still had to work to keep businesses running


Suspicious-One5822 t1_j9b6wb4 wrote

I responded to the link my coworker sent me which he used. There was no option for a different application


hasek3139 t1_j9b3bm0 wrote

Did they tell you why you were denied

I have 2 friends who were denied, they both entered wrong info, so likely it’s something you did wrong


Suspicious-One5822 t1_j9b65q4 wrote

They denied me stating that I didn't get sick with covid. I was asked questions that my coworker wasn't.


hasek3139 t1_j9b6o93 wrote

There were two different applications, it seems like you might’ve picked the wrong one. I did not get asked if I got sick with Covid.


hasek3139 t1_j9b35xx wrote

Maybe spend more time online then? We all have phones. How else did you want them to inform you?

I applied on day 1, and got my direct deposit last week.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j8wbl8f wrote

Sounds like you're ignorant, uninformed, and afraid. Pretty much the trifecta of a conservative voter.


Guardian_Devil1998 OP t1_j8yh7hf wrote

Your terms don't offend me but more confuse me. The first 2 I can expect no issue since I literally said I don't watch the news but afraid? I'm not sure where you are coming from, my guy or girl (or anywhere in between). Thanks for making me look up "trifecta", never heard anyone use that word