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2PlenTiful4U t1_j8eew5e wrote

Moved from FL three+ years ago.My advice is DON"T DO IT. They tax EVERYTHING here. There are NO BEACHES HERE. The worst drivers on the planet live here. The shittiest roads you will ever drive on. Driving at night here is the worst.There are NO FUCKING LIGHTS, NO REFELECTORS ON THE ROAD and the shittiest of the shitty drivers work 2nd and 3rd shifts. There are three seasons.Winter, Leaf season and Winter.. It is an hour to go anywhere and an hour to find parking. This sub is full of haters that would down vote their momma if she spoke the truth about the shitty state STAY AWAY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


gyst_ t1_j8ggr9t wrote

An hour? Dude, where do you live? It takes me less than an hour to drive into New Haven, and I live on the opposite side of the CT River. And New Haven is FAR from the closest city from me.


Lcomotive t1_j8f7fdc wrote

Lol two winters. We didn’t even have a winter this year. I got to play pond hockey once.