Submitted by Icy_Praline422 t3_112xb7l in Connecticut

I was laid off from my job a few weeks ago. Been applying to jobs in the meantime. So I got everything set up on the ReemployCt website. Everything looked good. I go to file my first weekly employment certification and I couldn’t remember the password I had set, entered it wrong twice and was locked out of the system….fucking stupid. So I called the number and they’re so busy they couldn’t call me back for 4 days?! Wtf?? By the time my callback was due, turns out my account was unlocked somehow so I was able to reset my password and log in and file my weekly certification report. Went to check on it a couple days later and it says there’s an “issue” on my account. I know I filed everything correctly, I’ve done this before. I listed 3 jobs that I applied to. Checked all the boxes. So I try to call them up again but this time I get an automated machine that says they have too many calls and I can’t even schedule a callback time?! This shit is fucking ridiculous. I’m starting a new job this week, so it’s not the end of the world but it’s looking like I’m not gonna get any money for the 3 weeks I’ve been out of work. Anybody else dealing with this nonsense?



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Yum_Kaax t1_j8moabm wrote

Yes, that is, and has been the standard bs for some time now. My best advice is to keep on them and they will still send you your checks even if you've already returned to work. They owe you that money from the weeks you were not working regardless of their problems.


Iggtastic t1_j8mq189 wrote

It's also been hacked and allowed scammers to file fraudulent claims on behalf of thousands of CT residents. There is no real option for assistance or reporting the fraud outside creating a stink in person at their office. On top of that the state refuses to acknowledge the obvious vulnerability in their system and hails it as a success.


BadDogEDN t1_j8mq6vc wrote

They are so incompetent, its easier to have someone else file on your behalf(common scam), then it is to cancel it. They have no consequences, they will never get back to you, they just hope you die so you stop calling them.


WhatAnotherZombieEgo t1_j8mrm7f wrote

If you go to an office, make sure it's a DOL office. The American Job Centers usually don't have any DOL staff there, and the AJC staff know nothing about and have zero ability to do anything with the DOL system. Many front line DOL staff know the system is aweful but have to tote the departments line about it being successful.


TankGirlwrx t1_j8mrp3u wrote

This happened to my partner. He also experienced the multiple day callback nonsense, and getting the callback only to be immediately put on hold for an extended period of time. But by far the scariest thing was finding out someone used his info for fraudulent claims. He managed to get it sorted over the phone, but it took a week or two


Agnaolds t1_j8mrpmu wrote

After I got my account set up I was able to file but in terms of getting any payment I had a hold on my account for 2 weeks. I was able to finally talk to someone after a week and a half and she said everyone has an initial hold for 2 weeks. The only improvement I see is that I can file on Sun or Mon instead of Sun like before


allonsyyy t1_j8mvfnh wrote

Someone filed a claim on one of my coworkers, I had assumed it was identity theft.

I don't understand how this is supposed to work, the unemployment office calls the business to verify. We obviously said no, he still works here.


adam_west_ t1_j8mw2h9 wrote

This is the system that 80 million $ and 16 years gets you…


ShinyBloke t1_j8mw8fs wrote

Pure garbage, they were not helpful at all, was very surprised how shitty and hard to use the system is to use, and if you have an issues w the site you're fucked.


zalazalaza t1_j8mxy23 wrote

The hell of automated bureaucracy mixed w the hell of bureaucratic personalities as the human face is truly dystopian.

Gotta put a stop to it


Smudge1492 t1_j8n179m wrote

I filed week before Christmas and still waiting on approval. Somehow it is denied from previous employer over a year ago, which I did not get laid off by but "voluntarily quit" to start the new job. Why is this relevant?

1 week I did not make a "company contact" and was denied. I understand the rules but I had 11 interviews so focused on preparing instead of applying to Walmart to fulfill narrow obligations...I put a note that I focused on landing actual job, which I did receive an offer.

I appealed both but not expecting anything at all. It's my first time using unemployment and had low expectations but this far exceeded how bad I thought it was.

What do people do that depend on the checks? Just take shit jobs? The system forces you to keep applying but in the real world actual screening and interviews take weeks.


Pinkumb t1_j8n2k58 wrote

Unemployment is also brutally unforgiving. When I was filing I got COVID. It was pretty bad and I was out of commission for a week. Basically a multi-day fever. I missed submitting the "yes, I applied for jobs" message for one week and it negated my entire claim. I had to reapply and start the process over again. Took 2-3 weeks to get approved again. I had to get a personal loan to cover the gap.

I can't imagine why the system would be designed like that short of cruelty toward the unemployed.


ConsiderationOk1913 t1_j8n3pdx wrote

I’ve been waiting to talk to someone since July last year to review my case. My contract with a company was coming to an end so I found another job before the contract end date. That job didn’t pan out (a lot of missed communication)so I applied for UI when they started that new system update, my account was on hold for weeks and then in the end they denied my claim. When I looked at the reason the adjudicator denied my claim but did not contact any of the employers. I have all my docs as evidence but I can’t even get a case hearing.


DadMan999 t1_j8n5g00 wrote

Their system is so flawed. I’ve received unemployment claims from employees STILL working for me, only to find out that the system was hacked and fraudulent claims were being opened in their names. Such an inefficient and downright unsafe process.


Prudent-Ball2698 t1_j8n60vr wrote

All the employment sites are basically jokes, applied to probably 50 jobs repeatedly for 3 months not a single fuck was given, not a single call back or anything


mmmmm_pancakes t1_j8n6iie wrote

Not all government is incompetent or wasteful. That comes from bad policy and bad staffing, and can be avoided.

Sounds like the folks in charge of this program sure dropped the ball, though, and it should either be reformed or scrapped.


crg339 t1_j8ne9z5 wrote

What kind of work do you do/are you looking for?


its_broccoli_bitch_ t1_j8niv1b wrote

Ugh, the website is straight sh*t. I’ve had many issues with it. Like if you miss a week, it usually doesn’t let you backdate…I’ve missed several payments because of this. I feel you. I hope you’re able to get through to someone on the phone! Hating the system with you 🫶


tonysnight t1_j8o47rp wrote

I've been trying to grab a job for a while now. Tough times.


justinb138 t1_j8o4ljo wrote

It’s because there is zero accountability for the people that designed it. It’s primary goal isn’t to actually help people, it’s the appearance of helping people that’s important.


RobMV03 t1_j8o5xzt wrote

Yes! Keep calling. Take the time to jump through all their stupid fucking hoops. Ask a TON of questions when you're on the phone with them. "Is there anything else I need to do?" "How do I do that?" "Is there anything I should know before I try to file that?" Etc etc etc. Eventually, the claim will clear and you'll get an opportunity to backdate all the weeks you were out of work and you'll get the money, but it's a pain in the ass. I consider myself a smart and successful person who can handle their own business, but it was one of the most frustrating and demoralizing processes of my life. Luckily, MOST of the people on the phone are incredibly nice and understanding and genuinely want to help you (especially if you speak nicely to them and ask intelligible questions), but it's still a massive pain in the ass. Make sure to get your benefits, tho! You paid for them!


RobMV03 t1_j8o6vcy wrote

I'm a pretty bleeding heart liberal. But to hear that this abominable system cost that much and took that long makes me want to rage. I understand it needs to be secure, etc (which apparently it's not even that if there's these thousands of cases of fraud that others are talking about), but the website they have is painfully outdated, and the system they've developed does not help people in need the way it should. Like OP, I was able to float myself for a few weeks while I was unemployed and they tried to figure out my claim, but the people who really need unemployment benefits the most are the kind of people who literally do not have enough money to live week to week without it. And these are not degenerates who are mooching off the system - these are the working poor who live precariously already because of job insecurity.


Apryl3821 t1_j8oamf5 wrote

Make sure to reach out to your state representative or senator to ask for help with DOL.


adam_west_ t1_j8odnnq wrote

Agreed… the sad part with dysfunctional state government is that there is the political will in CT to spend money & resources…but they end up being squandered like this … big government can work … we just need true accountability and real leadership. I think ego and careerism plays a part in the promulgation of bad systems like this.


essaitchthrowaway3 t1_j8oiitz wrote

Wasn't the old DoL system pretty smooth running? I haven't used it in ages, but when I did, I thought it was good.

What the heck happened?


MFitz24 t1_j8olee7 wrote

There have been at least 5 commissioners in the 16 years that OP stated it took, not including interims. Also built in a consortium with other states and unemployment varies by state.


dirtsequence t1_j8oq1jp wrote

My mother works for the customer service side answering phone calls. Sadly most of her time is taken up by people who refuse to use a computer or people who are disputing a 100 dollar check they didn't get years prior.


RobMV03 t1_j8p2lmy wrote

Any chance her name is Brenda? I talked to at least 10 different reps, but this one woman named Brenda stood out because she was so nice and kind to me. Actually, most of them were nice and kind, there was only one guy who was a jerk - Jeremy. Fuck Jeremy.


bleuvblue t1_j8p673p wrote

The system is horrible. At one point someone gained access to my account and was changing the bank account to theirs. I followed the steps to alert it as unauthorized changes to my account and it took them a full week to even respond to the report I made, let alone take any action.


the_invisible_hand76 t1_j8pac41 wrote

I suggest just scheduling a call back at:

You may have to wait a few days for your call back but it beats waiting on hold for hours. Every time I've tried calling I can't even get through but callbacks guarantee you talking to someone on the status of your payments. Mines have been under investigation for 2.5 weeks (I was fired) the girl I talked to said investigations take up to 4 weeks it's probably the same for other situations. The system is broken for sure but with patience you'll get what you need eventually.


mianrezooy t1_j8pfjn7 wrote

Happened to me. Then I got it couple days after I saw the “issue” message.


Unhappy_Paramedic_41 t1_j8ssqzh wrote

I have had the most horrible experience with them. They approve my claim,and then proceed to tell me they weren’t going to pay it! I was having my second surgery in the last 2 years,so I cannot collect unemployment because I am not available to work! Duh! I was having a second surgery and my employer didn’t wanted to wait anymore and terminated me. I explained this to them. I appealed it and they still denied it. So they are holding almost $11,000.00 dollars in my account and refuse to give it to me. I can’t pay my mortgage,utilities or medical insurance. It makes you want to give up on life. Sorry about expelling. English is my second language. I was an essential worker. Worked all thru Covid. Sometimes 7 days a week. And this what they are doing to me! Is heartbreaking.