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Kolzig33189 t1_jaellm4 wrote

And this has to do with CT how exactly


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaelvl8 wrote

If we set the trend as a state, NY follows then mass, NJ, the east coast, then the south then the west and Midwest. As a human we should keep them off the streets to better our society, especially our home state.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaem3vm wrote

Idk if you've looked on a registry, you should. The amount of sex offenders on your block or near you would probably surprise you, then look into their crimes you'd be surprised that they got off ao easy or not airholed inside


CTrandomdude t1_jaeyqtz wrote

Maybe it is so surprising because they are just everyday folks living their lives and not bothering anyone. If they actually were that dangerous you would be hearing more.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf0820 wrote

ANYONE who sexually assaults anyone is a danger. More then a person who does a mob hit or a robbery a drug deal anything really. Noone who does a sex crime deserves to see the light of day, and should be put in Gen pop. Let the boys inside sort it out


CTrandomdude t1_jaf1ycm wrote

Anyone who commits any crime of violence is potentially a danger. It needs to be addressed and that person rehabilitated just like any other crime. There are many crimes classified as sex crimes that have zero violence. The classic fear of the stranger abduction/rape is actually the most rare sex crime. For those people I do favor stiff prison sentences.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf2f0w wrote

I was a victim or it 2x that's why I'm very much against them seeing light of day. One was my step mother. So as a man, I just cannot stand it


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaeqpg9 wrote

Everyone who down votes is probably a sex offender,or a pedo


Walmart_Prices t1_jaer8lk wrote

Quick everyone give him the karma . Upvote upvote lmao 🤣


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaexko4 wrote

Man all these down votes but I didn't say anything that's inaccurate. Almost like people don't wanna have sex offenders get what they deserve. How many probably are sex offenders? I'd guess 1/3