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Kolzig33189 t1_jaellm4 wrote

And this has to do with CT how exactly


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaelvl8 wrote

If we set the trend as a state, NY follows then mass, NJ, the east coast, then the south then the west and Midwest. As a human we should keep them off the streets to better our society, especially our home state.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaem3vm wrote

Idk if you've looked on a registry, you should. The amount of sex offenders on your block or near you would probably surprise you, then look into their crimes you'd be surprised that they got off ao easy or not airholed inside


One-Awareness-5818 t1_jaenlza wrote

The elementary school next to me is inside a college campus (trade school) and there is a sex offender working in the building. That is wild to me...

Edit: just check now, he is gone


SaddenedBKSticks t1_jaenoik wrote

I mean, drug dealers have the potential to ruin not only people's lives/families, but also neighborhoods, and well, murderers literally take a life away. You're saying anyone of a sex crime should get life compared to them, which isn't reasonable. As with any crime, it depends on the severity, etc. , and it's not always fair, but you don't sound very reasonable. A small offense shouldn't land someone in jail for life.

The law and rulings don't always make sense, and there is room to improve, but I think you're going too aggressively in one direction.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaeqdao wrote

That offense in most cases repeats to the next person thru who it happend to. Sex offenders, and I was inside, for a petty drug offense when weed was illegal, we'd watch pedos get killed second they hit Gen pop. They don't deserve a chance. They ruin people's lives. Sure someone who murders ends one, but which is worse, someone ending a life abruptly, or someone ruining someone else's mentally and spiritually and physically in some cases? With drug dealers, Noone forces anyone to do drugs, Noone says "if you don't take this hit of weed or coke IL kill you" that is personal choice. Murderers should obviously do time but pedophiles you cannot reform. Murderers you can, drug dealers you can reform, sex offenders you really cant


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaerhvm wrote

As he should be. It boggles my mind how people do that. I understand robbery, even murder, business is business, but sex offenders, don't deserve to see the light of day imo, as someone who went through it as a child, if I saw it happening I'd gladly beat the offender halfway to death with a smile knowing I saved a child from decades of mental issues


Current-Photo2857 t1_jaeulbd wrote

Murders should be executed, preferably in the way they killed their victim. Drug dealers should be charged as attempted murders, if one of their “customers” dies of an OD, the dealer’s method of execution should be the same.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaew7jf wrote

It's still a murder. So why shouldn't the law charge that as a murder? Whether intentional or not, or if someone was raping your child, and as any man or woman would do, you beat that owrson to death, it is murder. But ad a person I understand it, and would vote not guilty. But hey to each their own. Sex offenders are always better off doing life away from children and women and everyone really


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaewkhw wrote

Yes but so do drug dealers. They dispense what was legally medicine in the early 1900s and it still is to alot of people, esp cannabis and heroin, pills and everything. What you aren't getting is personal choice. It comes down to personal choice. Noone chooses to be sexually assaulted. And if you keep going on this I'd have to guess your probably a sex offender


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaewyjp wrote

If it's a cute cat tho or a dog or any cute animal, he'll I'd buy you some lunch. Or even if it's your kid, or wife or family, so long as it doesn't cross that boundary, he'll I'd buy you lunch for being a caring guy. If it's pepe the frog, well it better be a good one


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaex9o1 wrote

I mean does the opioid crisis just not register with you? How many Americans that died who were addicted to them from being in legitimate pain then switched to heroin either bc of costs or prescription running out? You've obviously never tried actual drugs and if you did, you'd have a different approach to it then this.


CTrandomdude t1_jaeyds4 wrote

Everything you just said is false. People convicted of sex crimes have the lowest rates of recidivism. It is around 5% based on hundreds of studies. You are just repeating a false narrative that has been debunked decades ago. The most common sex offense is statutory where both parties have a consensual relationship but are off by a few years. The age of consent varies by state as well. So a 16yo and a 25 yo have sex in ct it is not a crime and the 25 yo is not a sex offender. While those same people do that is several other states the 25 yo is subjected to years in prison a be labeled a sex offender. Why do you want that person in prison for life? In a few states if you are arrested for public urination you are labeled a sex offender and put on the registry. You want that guy in prison for life?

There is a huge problem with computer porn addiction where many end up viewing or downloading child pornography. If caught they are considered sex offenders. Should they be locked up for life.

All this while the vast majority 95% are never convicted of any new sex offense. They are reformed like many others.

All this at a cost on average of $50,000 per year per inmate. Society suffers far more when you tie up that amount of tax money when it is not needed.


Current-Photo2857 t1_jaezeoo wrote

And if someone sold your kid heroin and they od’ed, I’d bet you’d vote “not guilty” because that was the kid’s choice, right? And I never said sex offenders don’t deserve to be in prison, only that drug dealers and murderers deserve worse.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaezppr wrote

And if one makes thar choice. I'm 26, I'd never do that. I have a conscience. I'd happily pay the tax so they do 25 years to life. I've been through every drug and alcohol and abuse class and talked to people when I was in who ran the classes for those individuals who did sex assaults, the recidivism is actually as high as 90%. I mean besides that being disgusting after saving a child from thar abuse and I did once, I got off, he got 15 years. I'd rather us cutting costs release drug dealers and petty criminals, as long as we curb the sex crimes in our state and country. And if I ever find out you, sexually assaulted someone, then what happens, it happens, between you and me. People like you are why children get scarred for life by rapists and women and even men


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf0820 wrote

ANYONE who sexually assaults anyone is a danger. More then a person who does a mob hit or a robbery a drug deal anything really. Noone who does a sex crime deserves to see the light of day, and should be put in Gen pop. Let the boys inside sort it out


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf12nh wrote

So should we use that draconian stance of dealers on users? They choose to buy drugs. I mean if you buy H in the US you know it's got fentanyl, to do a whole bag or 2 in a single snort and die, that's personal choice. Only way around that is legalize and tax drugs. Murderers, if it's an accidental homicide we should lower sentences, if it's intentional keep the sentence the way it is. But sex offenders do deserve 25 to life


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf1d0c wrote

Actually I would. Noone forces someone at gunpoint to do a bag, shit I did that stuff in my darkest hours, Noone forced me, nor if I died should they have prosecuted who I git it from. It's personal choice. Just like abortion is.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf1mr7 wrote

Let's face it. Sex offenders should get murder sentence level sentences, and unless your selling and intentionally killing users, you should too as a drug dealer. But as someone who experienced alot inside and out, it'd be better if we didn't incarcerate people who sell a 10 bag that kills someone and they use 8 bags a day themselves


CTrandomdude t1_jaf1ycm wrote

Anyone who commits any crime of violence is potentially a danger. It needs to be addressed and that person rehabilitated just like any other crime. There are many crimes classified as sex crimes that have zero violence. The classic fear of the stranger abduction/rape is actually the most rare sex crime. For those people I do favor stiff prison sentences.


Prudent-Ball2698 OP t1_jaf26wu wrote

Within a 3 year range. And fuck yeah, your a chomo if your my age going for a 16 year old, and me and most others will treat tou as such. So a good beating, and a cop looking into it qnd arresting you. As I said do not do that. I don't mind doing time on assault if you fuck a kid. And to go for someone younger, like that, your not even a man, or probably attractive.


Connecticut-ModTeam t1_jaf4sjn wrote

Hi, r/Connecticut is focused on Connecticut related items. Your post was removed for not being relevant and specific to Connecticut. Regards, The Moderators