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singeworthy t1_ja9pzif wrote

Love the complaints here about people with "shitty cars" who should stay off the road. Maybe those people with "shitty cars" need to go to work? Im sure most of us used to be that person at some point in our lives, and it sucks to drive a little shitbox in a snowstorm. Maybe don't drive like a dick in the snow?


Former Shitbox Owner


thenisaidbitch t1_ja9si9v wrote

Seriously!! These comments are perplexing. Tailgating someone in bad conditions is unsafe no matter the car but especially if it’s a shitbox. These are the same jerks that will complain they couldn’t get their Dunkin’s because staff didn’t show up in a snow storm but then also complain about underpaid Dunkin staff not being able to afford new tires or better cars. They just want to whine. I have a snow capable car with good tires and I drive slow on bad roads because it’s safe. The tailgaters in their huge trucks do nothing but make me more nervous. It’s a lose lose for everyone.


rovinja t1_jaa2iko wrote

The same people who complain about the line at Dunkin in the morning but are too lazy to make their own coffee at home


avgeekCT t1_jaa61aj wrote

What’s even more hilarious is they think their $100K SUV somehow defies the laws of physics on ice regardless of tires. You spent a lot on your car. Cool! You’re an idiot.


maybe_little_pinch t1_ja9vfm0 wrote

Right? Some of us are essential workers who don’t have the option of staying home during a snow storm. Pisses me off to no end seeing shops like Marshall’s packed on bad days. And no, I am not stopping there, I am driving by.


1984isnowpleb t1_ja9s0vc wrote

My first little shit box was a bear in the snow I remember Halloween blizzard putting past stuck jacked up trucks. Any shit box will be fine in the snow w snow tires . When j see people sliding around in the snow I wonder why they didn’t prepare for something that happens every year


netscorer1 t1_jaa2i7n wrote

Not everyone has the money to put on snow tires every winter. A full set of tires is a month paycheck for most of these low-paid workers. And they already barely get by from month to month.


Amity83 t1_jaaeysr wrote

Narrow wheels are better in the snow than wider ones seen on nicer cars. Snow tires make an enormous difference.


RededHaid t1_ja9obkh wrote

They're obviously drafting in your stream


Chris_Codes t1_jabzyn7 wrote

First off … I never tailgate, under any circumstances … Tailgating has got to be the number one cause of accidents - certainly highway fender-benders - and it’s just pointless. You want to get by someone? Flash your lights and be patient, don’t try to be all agro and tailgate like a douche… the guy in front of them is probably going slow too.

That said, I do get frustrated with other drivers in the snow, but that’s because I have a lot of experience with it from years spent living in climes far more snowy than CT - not because of the vehicle I drive. I will pass people in snow at speeds that probably make them think I’m an idiot, but fact is most people have no idea how to drive in the snow, and I know it the moment I see them using their brakes on a long downhill, or in the middle of a turn. So many people seem to have no idea why a car with automatic transmission has gears, or how traction works or what to do if they start to slide. AWD in the snow is great, but experience and knowledge is better. It’s funny, I learned most of that stuff in drivers-Ed many years ago (the “never tailgate” rule too), and have never been in an accident my whole life. My kids are a couple years away from driving - do kids in CT need to take mandatory drivers-ed to get a license? IIRC, in NY if I wanted one at 16, I had to take it.


NLCmanure t1_jacb6eh wrote

my friends and I would practice evasive maneuvers in the snow in a private parking lot. We'd purposely spin and slide the car and do what was necessary to get out of the slide or spin. was great fun and educational.


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jaa8k2j wrote

Get a bike rack for the back of your car. People tend to give more space if you have a bunch of metal poles sticking out the back.


getamongst_it t1_jae0a8g wrote

Nobody should be tailgating anyone, but the State roads were plowed perfectly fine at 7am this morning. I'm talking bare pavement and you get people going like 25mph as if their car is going to suddenly do a 900 into the gutter. If you're that afraid to drive due to the presence of snow, when the driving conditions are not actually slick you should probably stay home.

To be honest, some of the shittiest cars I had 10+ years ago were the best in the snow! Everything is about the tires. If you budget accordingly and put even a set of used snow tires on a shitty car, you'll be amazed how planted it feels.


DarkLamont t1_ja9ncoz wrote

You're asking why people equipped to drive in inclement weather are upset with those not equipped to drive in inclement weather? Because it's extremely dangerous and selfish...


rawdew2007 t1_ja9nbkl wrote

And why are you shitty front wheel drive cars doing in the center and left lane impending the flow of traffic


timmahfast t1_jaad23n wrote

It doesn't matter what wheel drive a car has. Your 4x4 gas guzzler won't stop any better than a prius when you have no traction.


rawdew2007 t1_jaadium wrote

That's OK I'll just use the prius as a speed bump to slow me down


timmahfast t1_jaaevat wrote

That's big truck, small brain mentality right there. You must get all the big girls!


Mofiremofire t1_ja9lr82 wrote

CT drivers with shitty cars and shitty tires , why are you driving when the roads aren’t plowed well.


Dismal-Dragonfruit88 t1_ja9p2rj wrote

You're basically saying "poor people, why are you poor"


Mofiremofire t1_ja9y991 wrote

You’re more than welcome to misconstrue what I said however you’d like. I’d think if you can’t afford to put appropriate tires on your car for the regional weather we experience perhaps you should either 1) relocate 2) take the bus. It’s irresponsible to be driving in a blizzard with bald tires in a shitty car.


[deleted] t1_ja9ncbu wrote



Mofiremofire t1_ja9o06e wrote

Every time we get a decent amount of snow my kids and I sit at the window and watch all the shitty cars with bald tires struggle to make it up the hill we live on and eventually they slide off the road into the ditch. Luckily for me I can stay home and avoid having to deal with the snow until the roads are cleared. If I do need to drive though both of our cars have good tires and 4wd.


[deleted] t1_ja9och2 wrote



Mofiremofire t1_ja9okkt wrote

We’re on a fairly steep hill by a stop sign. There’s quite a few people who struggle to get going after they stop.