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ObiOneKenobae t1_j9s2uwe wrote

There's a C-Town 60 seconds down the road (by car to be fair) and the air quality around there is fairly good. There have been some shootings, robberies etc in the area, but OP is not going to be at any real risk if they aren't wandering the streets at night harassing people.

You do want to be closer to Boston than Barnum though imo


Badboyforlife411 t1_j9se8nu wrote

"Some shootings, robberies" means that you are at an increased risk of experiencing those things. Life is hard enough, no reason to add the potential for more PITA crap to happen to you if you can avoid it.

Here is an example. My buddy had his stock car radio stolen out of his car during the day in a school parking lot in that neighborhood. A GATED SCHOOL PARKING LOT. Sure no one was hurt, but do you really want to introduce the annoyance of things like that if you can avoid it?

If you don't have to live in a neighborhood where those things occur there is no reason to.