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kmuz700 t1_jaes3v0 wrote

While i don’t agree with the employers actions, your daughter also needs to realize this is New England, and that her chosen mode of transportation needs to be adequate for our weather and terrain, and to take things such as a steep driveway into consideration when choosing a place to live. We didn’t exactly get a blizzard, we got a light snow on warm ground that was easily passable with the proper tires and driving skill.

My work vehicle is only 2wd, we do not get called off work unless it’s a significant storm, our customers require service as the world does not just stop for a few inches of snow. There was no issue this morning unless you are outright not prepared for weather we deal with every single winter. Again, I do think the company is out of line, but I’m also not gonna excuse lack of preparedness for such an insignificant weather event.


0cclumency t1_jaf00l1 wrote

Light snow? In parts of the state this was a pretty wet and heavy 7 inches. Ideally everyone would have their pick of apartments with good driveways, and a car that’s good in the snow. But we all know that’s not always realistic for a young person on an Amazon warehouse paycheck.