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carl3456 t1_j79h8rm wrote

Good thing we have ANOTHER post about Eversource’s rates!


JDMhammer t1_j79njte wrote

You'd be late to your own funeral huh?


Alert-Ad687 t1_j7a4k5q wrote

Choose a different supplier. They’re at like 14.81. Check EnergizeCT website.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_j7av1av wrote

Petition to mass downvote eversource posts with no purpose beyond bitching about the price.


alocinwonibur t1_j7b1c4f wrote

It just doesn't make sense to me that other suppliers can find power to pass on to us at a lower rate… I know someone earlier in this sub indicated that Eversource was not making money on the supply side but that just doesn't make sense…


Synapse82 t1_j7bm7zl wrote

Hold on, I have a carrier pigeon on the way to tell you this one simple trick Eversource doesn’t want you to know.


redbeard312 t1_j7bm8r5 wrote

How long ago was this announced? You’re only just realizing it?


midmodmad t1_j7d60kk wrote

OMG…I’m shocked, shocked!!!


4Impossible_Guess4 t1_j7dt3uk wrote

Imagine how paid these clowns are getting by people on auto pay and/or just not checking rates every so often. Crazy. I've changed my supplier more times than my underwear in the last 6 months