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AdHistorical7107 t1_j8kvgri wrote

The funny part is that they'll try introducing laws making gun laws stronger (mental health checks, annual registration of guns, etc). Instead, pro 2a will cry foul that they are making it harder to get guns.

Folks, it's clear the enemy here is pro 2a folks. Unpopular opinion, but when we try to save our children, they act like big babies about their guns....


WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8l8klt wrote

buddy the gun laws didn’t stop this guy the district attorney turned his FELONY into a misdemeanor.


buried_lede t1_j8ldqz5 wrote

Maybe not this guy, but the assault weapon ban helped a lot. The numbers went down. Plus, a lot of shooters these days are inspired by the nonstop political rhetoric about guns and libs and revolution etc.


Just_Jer t1_j8mt405 wrote

most mass shootings aren't carried out with rifles so I find your claim a little hard to believe...


[deleted] t1_j8lk7qc wrote



blumpkinmania t1_j8mz6lu wrote

Yeah. The most jailed country in the history of the world doesn’t enforce its laws.


TituspulloXIII t1_j8n8yw0 wrote

But that's not what they are saying.

If the laws were enforced here, the shooter would not have had a gun.


blumpkinmania t1_j8n9lrx wrote

Which is moronic because those same people have made it impossible to restrict guns to only “law abiding” people.


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j8l1n04 wrote

They already have mental health prohibitions on gun purchases, and what does annual gun registration even mean and how will that prevent a prohibited possessor from committing murder?


AdHistorical7107 t1_j8l1y2n wrote

Sorry, a question on an application isn't working.....

Same way you register a car. You register your gun...

Imagine if these safeguards were in place in texas....



WellSeasonedUsername t1_j8l8nzx wrote

Gang members, drug dealers, and criminals won’t register their guns bro. You’re insane if you think they will lmao


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j8l3imn wrote

You didn’t answer the question. Same way registration doesn’t stop someone from speeding, driving while drunk, or committing vehicular manslaughter.

You’re proposing disqualifiers that are already in place but still don’t stop these kinds of criminals so again, how would registration prevent this?

The event in Texas could’ve been prevented by a locked door amongst other things so…


AdHistorical7107 t1_j8l95ui wrote

A 18yr old, on his 18th birthday, brought a gun and shot up a school.

You're the problem here.....

I can't help your little brain. Good night


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j8lcj3a wrote

Oh great, insults during a discussion over an issue. That’ll get me to see your point. /s

Yes, an 18 year old legally bought a rifle (and also went through the same federal background check that every legal firearm purchase has to go through in the US) WHICH WAS REGISTERED TO HIM! So how would that “safeguard” that was already in place have prevented him from going ape and committing murder?

Yet I’m the problem here? I didn’t commit murder. But thank you for proving to everyone that instead looking at the situation objectively, you prefer to let your emotions, rather than logic, govern your response. I’m the problem? What have you done to protect anyone from gun violence outside of complain on reddit about something you obviously know nothing of?


buried_lede t1_j8ldkem wrote

You could be mentally healthy and shitty about locking up your gun or not recognize your kid who you shoot with has problems. I just think the gun lobby wants to pawn this off on mental illness.


bent_peepee t1_j8l1rvu wrote

what law do you propose that would have stopped this, in your expert opinion?


AdHistorical7107 t1_j8l23u3 wrote

Just about every law that was proposed that was rejected by pro 2a folks and GOP.....


Spider_J t1_j8lc6mv wrote

There's so many, you shouldn't have any problem naming one.