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buried_lede t1_j8nj0x6 wrote

Fine, whatever works.

Murders and mass shootings aren’t the same, but I’m for whatever works. If Connecticut’s law is a success I hope it spreads. I am just so sick of these gun obsessed activists and their promotion of extremely libertine gun laws.

Some states still don’t even have background checks at gun shows, is that still the case? They’re assholes and they’re wrecking the country.


AGK47_Returns t1_j8oo76o wrote

>Some states still don’t even have background checks at gun shows

As much as the media loves to spout out "gun show loophole", the gun show part is more or less irrelevant; It's "private seller vs FFL".

A private sale, in a majority of states, doesn't require a background check. If you want to buy from an FFL, however, you need to go through a background check, and that's federal law. The latter applies even if you are at a gun show, meaning that anyone legally in the business of selling guns has to background check you even if you're a friend or next door neighbor.

And technically private sellers aren't supposed to be selling guns for business/profit, though the interpretation of that is up for debate; rather, they can downsize their collection.


ShamusTheClown t1_j8oz4qi wrote

>Fine, whatever works.

Great, then drop the 'Assault Weapons ban' rhetoric, because that did not work, and would not be effective today.

Heres a video about an actually viable gun control strategy, based on actual indicators of who the 'Bad Guys' with a gun are.

You may notice that CT implemented points 1 & 2 to some extent in their Sandy Hook reforms.