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AGK47_Returns t1_ja5nt5a wrote

Depends how many guns and if he was following the law or not. Considering he was firing shots illegally, well, you can probably guess his opinion on the law.

The "how many guns" part may sound stupid but there is such an idea as the "New York reload" which is firing one gun until empty and then just pulling out a second gun and firing that until empty rather than reloading. Cops used to do that with revolvers sometimes.


KineticAmp t1_ja5odhj wrote

Interesting! Ya I know nothing about guns so ty for the factoid


AGK47_Returns t1_ja5pqdc wrote

I'm also going to second what b33r engineer said, could be any combo of those. We may or may not see if and when he is caught, though by that time the guns and mags in question might have taken a swim or a dumpster dive.