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chickennugar OP t1_ja9xaud wrote

damn, what field do you/your spouse work in?


Mofiremofire t1_ja9yhc6 wrote

Medicine. Gotta love that I’m being downvoted for answering your questions.


Remarkable_Option660 t1_jaa13hg wrote

I got you. Upvoted. People downvotes for literally no reason


Mofiremofire t1_jaa1qw7 wrote

It’s whatever. I don’t need fake internet points for validation. I just find it interesting that I can post the most generic, non opinionated answer I could and yet people find the need to downvote it. I know I often play devils advocate or share controversial opinions which get downvotes but this was as vanilla of a post as I can possibly make.


dignifiedgoat t1_jaaxj5d wrote

This sub has had at least one downvote troll lately who comes in and downvotes literally everyone. What a sad and pointless way to spend one’s time lol can’t relate


Remarkable_Option660 t1_jaa2qh8 wrote

Ik, I don't read into it because I'm usually in the right when I say things and I know it. Even if it sounds self centered, there's no way to sugar coat it. You are probably are in the same boat as me


AlmeidaMoney t1_jab1bw6 wrote

Haters gonna hate lol.. it’s Reddit .. don’t ever take anything in here personally


Mofiremofire t1_jab44hb wrote

I don't. I've been on here a decade and i think it's gotten worse. if they go public ill finally have a reason to get off the last social media platform im on.


cncamusic t1_jaaehoc wrote

People downvote because they’re broke lol


Mofiremofire t1_jaajg79 wrote

Well they’re more than welcome to commit a decade of their lives to medical school and residency and fellowship to obtain the same level of education as my wife so they can also make that much money.


Heavy_Jeffrey t1_jac7954 wrote

Unreasonable. We’re gonna need a no cost fast pass. 6mo. program, tops.


Mofiremofire t1_jacayxi wrote

I mean… if you’re comfortable with a surgeon cutting off your leg with only 6 months of training uhhh, good luck?