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TCPottery t1_j9yyzbz wrote

"What is this 'moxie' you speak of?", asks the newly transplanted desert rat.


[deleted] OP t1_j9yzmx8 wrote

A soda from Maine that some people love but most people hate.


TCPottery t1_j9yzyc3 wrote

What's wrong with Mainers' tongues?


HerFriendRed t1_j9z0nvs wrote

They're basically Canadian. Welcome to New England, fellow transplant.

To answer the question I believe check Big Y.


TCPottery t1_j9z7ine wrote

That explains it, Canadians 😂

Thank you for the info and the welcome! By the way, that fluffy stuff in the air, it's not a haboob... It is called snow.


Bobinct t1_j9zqr7t wrote

The Grateful Dead of soda.

I'm a fan of both.


darthduder666 t1_j9yzyw1 wrote

It’s something to try once in your life. You will either love it or hate it. I don’t know many people who love it.


hankbizzo5 t1_j9z2954 wrote

Moth ball cola.


darthduder666 t1_j9ze1cd wrote

Ever try diet Moxie? Had it a few times, believe it or not it tastes better. Lol


hankbizzo5 t1_j9zehjy wrote

Not saying I don't like it, but moth ball is the flavor.


darthduder666 t1_j9zl31c wrote

It’s been so long since I’ve tried it that I do not remember the taste of regular Moxie. Knowing this I’ll likely never try it again. I won’t be able to wipe my brain of this possibility.


pittiedaddy t1_j9z2p86 wrote

Tried it when I moved to Maine. Once was enough.


TCPottery t1_j9z7qt8 wrote

Made you leave the state? 😹


pittiedaddy t1_j9zb0w7 wrote

🤣 it wasn't THAT bad. No, I was stationed up there for 4 years.


TCPottery t1_j9zfuco wrote

Whew... I have some friends in Maine and didn't know if I should rescue them or not.


pittiedaddy t1_j9zgyih wrote

TBH I tried to stay up there when I got out, but I couldn't find a job. I was able to get one lined up here so I came home.


Remarkable_Option660 t1_j9z146s wrote

You'd have to looka round local stop and shops but I found out that the Big Y usually has them. Can be wrong but if anything you could always buy it online probably


abnerkravitz860 t1_j9yzefc wrote

holy shit, they still make that rat poison? Kids wouldnt drink that in 1960, seriously.


Dale_Wardark t1_j9zg18l wrote

I was born in the late 90s and it's one of my favorite drinks. As my Uncle says, "Picks you up, gives you a boost."


[deleted] OP t1_j9zr0jg wrote



Just_Jer t1_j9zrtqp wrote

I'm honestly surprised it wasn't just available in any package store


LloydChristmas666666 t1_j9zwp5d wrote

Hope all the time spent is worth the nostalgia. I remember my parents taking me to the factory when I was a kid. Enjoy.


FenetikSpeler t1_j9z1xqb wrote

Hosmer mountain soda shack usually has some. It's on Spencer St Manchester. Give them a call!


PaulterJ t1_j9zewj8 wrote

It tastes like a nursing home.


nsfdrag t1_j9yy7p2 wrote

I saw some at stop and show a few weeks ago


[deleted] OP t1_j9yypk1 wrote

Which stop and shop?


nsfdrag t1_j9yz2wn wrote

The small one in west hartford. I usually go to the wallingford location and don't remember seeing it but I can check when I go tomorow.


ClokeB t1_j9yzw8m wrote

I’ve seen 12 packs of Moxie cans recently at Highland Park Market in Farmington, Big Y in Plainville, and Gnazzo’s IGA in Plainville.


NixonMac t1_j9z0e5n wrote

They regularly stock it in the stop and shops in the northwest corner. Winsted in particular. Far drive but worth it for displaced Mainers!


Conn-man t1_j9z7c67 wrote

Why, do you hate yourself? 😜


Kojak80 t1_j9z3oow wrote

Last I knew Shop Rite in Manchester carried it.


DeskFan203 t1_j9z7ubn wrote

Get Foxon Park Iron Brew. Both taste like trash, to me.


Prize-Hedgehog t1_j9z8cih wrote

Stop & Shop can order it for if it’s not on that specific store’s shelves. It comes from coke.


Humbabwe t1_j9zwqqw wrote

You’ve already got all the moxie you need, see?


Fuck_Joey t1_j9zxhen wrote

Stop and shop has them I’ll double check today ?


SignalDrag203 t1_ja08z92 wrote

Haven’t had that since I was a kid and it was awful then.


Clourog t1_j9z0n35 wrote

Good luck


[deleted] OP t1_j9z1wsu wrote

Why get Moxie, when you can have Hosmerrrrrrr


[deleted] OP t1_j9z2agw wrote

Because Hosmer is just a brand of soda but moxie is a type of soda that I love and haven’t tasted anything like.


[deleted] OP t1_j9z4rez wrote

Every different brand of soda has a unique taste. People love Hosmer east of the river. You just happen to prefer the taste of Moxie. That’s all you had to say.


[deleted] OP t1_j9z6ag6 wrote

But hosmer has root beer, orange soda, grape soda, black cherry soda, et cetera, which taste a little different of course but are the same flavors/types of soda that other companies make. Moxie is one of those flavors/types of soda but I’ve never seen any other brand make that flavor.


BronzedAppleFritter t1_ja04zcv wrote

Moxie is only one flavor though. Hosmer Mountain makes a bunch of flavors, and none of them are Moxie or a copycat flavor.


hankbizzo5 t1_j9z20wo wrote

Check out a small grocery chain possibly Windham IGA. You do mean the old school drink?


FinnbarMcBride t1_j9za0eg wrote

I know some IGA supermarkets carry it


mrfin243 t1_j9zff92 wrote

It tastes like medicine


ObiOneKenobae t1_j9zl7se wrote

If there's a cracker barrel nearby, that's normally a safe bet.


Collinsc108 t1_j9zo82g wrote

You can 100% get it at the Willimantic food co-op!


thosmarvin t1_j9zoybx wrote

You can get the State Soft Drink of Maine (lookitup) at Hosmer Mountain Soda Shack in Manchester.


jules13131382 t1_j9zrdi0 wrote

🤢 but big y in Avon has it 😶 lol


CtForrestEye t1_j9zvhbr wrote

It's like a weird Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb. I don't like them either.


EmEmAndEye t1_j9zz37x wrote

I saw it late last year at the Big Y in West Hartford @ 772 North Main Street. Well stocked with cans & bottles.


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_j9zz74a wrote

It was one of the first sodas, created in 1884; about the same age as coke. They were marked as medicinal.


_lucid_dreams t1_j9zz7m4 wrote

I’ve gotten it at Big Y in Wallingford


smkmn13 t1_ja00u0h wrote

Fun trivia - the soda actually predates the word moxie, meaning determination or nerve - the word is based on the character required to drink the, uhh, "soda."


smkmn13 t1_ja020q7 wrote

While it's certainly not exactly the same, if you're a fan of Moxie's flavor profile, and like to consume adult beverages, a dark amaro (like Ramazzotti) and soda is a great way to go.


CT_Patriot t1_ja027cw wrote

Last year when I was in Wallingford at a Big Y, I saw it there and bought every six pack they had on shelf and asked if they had more in the back.

Moxie is very unique in taste and if you had it as a kid, it brings back the memories at times. It's a liquid time machine😁

Haven't seen it since, but I still look for it.

I find most large supermarkets further north may have it, but similar to hunting bourbon, you have to look in odd areas in the soda aisle, it doesn't sell well so they put it in unusual spaces.


SkaboyWRX t1_ja069ik wrote

Most of the Stop&Shop supermarkets in central CT or at least Middlesex county carry both Moxie and Diet. Love the stuff myself.


CoarsePage t1_ja080vr wrote

Try Westchester market.


half_brain_bill t1_ja62mvb wrote

Does anyone know if scrapple is sold in Connecticut anywhere?


magica12 t1_j9ywkzq wrote

Grocery store worker here you can find what’s left of it around the Hartford area but unless the product guys have steered me wrong it’s basically been discontinued alongside tab


[deleted] OP t1_j9yxwpe wrote

Discontinued? Like they don’t make it anymore. I come from Maine, and it’s pretty much everywhere. Just figured I could get some down here for my relatives, but maybe not.


mynameisnotshamus t1_j9z8vrl wrote

According to Wikipedia: Certain flavors were discontinued when Coca Cola bought them.


SixToesLeftFoot t1_ja04xxa wrote

I like moxie, the soda, but not so sure I’d eat this, from your link….

Moxie ice cream is seasonally available in Maine in limited quantities and is mild in flavor as compared to the soft drink