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Syndicofberyl t1_jds314g wrote

Invest in a respirator. Zinc oxide is bad stuff


george_graves t1_jdsee44 wrote

It'll make you feel sick - but nothing long-term. Been there done that (someone next to me was welding on some zinc before I had a chance to notice.


they_are_out_there t1_jdtfid7 wrote

This is accurate. Metal fume fever will make you feel like you have the worst flu and make you feel like you're going to die. Some guys say drinking a lot of milk helps but there's really no studies that back that up. The Doc is going to do nothing but tell you to avoid breathing zinc and you'll recover on your own, usually within 24 hours.

Lung damage could occur, but most guys build up a resistance throughout the week, then show sensitivity on Mondays after being a few days away. That's why it's also known as "Monday Fever". It goes away again with most guys within a day or two.

When it all shakes out, the zinc doesn't remain in your body and you'll be up and feeling better in 24 hours. It also hasn't shown to be cumulative or any worse with future incidents. You should definitely avoid it, but it's not on the same level as breathing other metal particulates or bad stuff like hexavalent chromium. I deal with this issue all the time and the guys down voting don't know what they're talking about.

It's not great and you should always wear a particulate filter like an N95 or better when removing the zinc before welding. Use a flap wheel, sander, or grinder. Keep the wind at your back or side where it can blow particulates away from you. Don't spray cold process zinc galvanizing spray on it either until the welds have fully cooled down.