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Maoman1 OP t1_je1qak0 wrote

Lol no, it happens almost every time I reveal I'm a locksmith in other subreddits. Fortunately, I never tire of it ;)

I have been waiting my whole life to say it IRL though. Knowing me, I'll crack up mid-sentence and ruin the opportunity.


tstormredditor t1_je1vths wrote

Have you tried breaking into more hones and getting caught? I bet you'd get the opportunity to use it then


Dad2DnA t1_je3pltf wrote

I once had a job delivering pizzas, and a regular customer of ours was a prosthetics shop called Breaky Prosthetics; which I found hilarious in and of itself.

Anyhoo, I made regular deliveries there, maybe once a week, for a couple of months before it happened, the moment I had been waiting for.

I arrived with the order, and the receptionist asked me how much it was. My reply?

"An arm and a leg!"

They were not amused, but that is still among my proudest irl joke moments


kerbaal t1_je1w34m wrote

> I have been waiting my whole life to say it IRL though.

Not a locksmith but a guy who has played with picking locks (it even came in handy a couple of times.

Was going to a party recently, of the rather shall we say lively and spicy kind. The person throwing it pointed out that there is an old safe in one of the rooms, and the owner of the place has given permission to try and get into it.

I made it a point to NOT find out where it was, because otherwise I would have spent the entire night there trying to be that guy.


FerretChrist t1_je2ih66 wrote

Most disappointing ending to a story one could possibly imagine.


kerbaal t1_je2m27w wrote

> Most disappointing ending to a story one could possibly imagine.

Only because you see it as the ending; it was definitely where the fun began. I have no regrets. It would have been far more disappointing if I spent all night not getting into a box.


FerretChrist t1_je2nbr9 wrote

Sure, I'm real happy for you having a great night at a party and ignoring a safe. That doesn't make the story any more exciting for the rest of us.


MagicToolbox t1_je2r28x wrote

It was a spicy party right? You spent the night getting into a box, but not the safe....


kerbaal t1_je2voex wrote

Spicy enough that I felt good about leaving a mark.


Sasselhoff t1_je1web6 wrote

I have utmost faith in you pulling this off with nary a titter, giggle, nor snicker, /u/Maoman1 (however, what I would now like to know, is how are you and /u/maoman1 related?).


hello_raleigh-durham t1_je21ntk wrote

> I have been waiting my whole life to say it IRL though. Knowing me, I'll crack up mid-sentence and ruin the opportunity.

“I’m Ben Jones, and I used a b…ah frick!”


New_Designer5528 t1_je2pgxy wrote

No glory os watching your coworker, (when being heckled by a doctor on how to fix the lock) hand the doctor the screwdriver and tell him to fix the lock, and he would do the surgery for the doc...


insane_contin t1_je4qgrk wrote

"Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"I'm Maoman1 and your wife just let.... NOOOOOOOOOO"