Submitted by Telefrag_Ent t3_126omnr in DIY


A few days ago my dishwasher was having trouble, when attempting to operate on a normal wash it would:

  1. Drain the basin
  2. Refill the water
  3. Warm the water

Then stop. Looking around, it sounds like it could have been a temperature issue or a door latch issue. After attempting to engage the door lock the machine seems to do nothing at all now. When I power down the unit and turn it back on the START light flashes 14 times and then all lights go out and nothing responds. Are my electronics fried or can it be saved? Thanks!

Edit: thanks all, was able to get power back to the panel by taking off the front and pushing the door latch forward to disengage the lock. Now the unit still stops before the rinse cycle so it looks like I'll need to replace the latch. $45 online, better than a $600 new unit!



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mr_goofy t1_jea266c wrote

Check your manual to be sure, but found thison the internet.


Telefrag_Ent OP t1_jea5y36 wrote

Thank you! That helped me find a video, had to physically push the latch mechanism in and release the door lock. That got power back to the buttons. Found the replacement latch and it should be all set by tomorrow. Cheers!


teizz t1_jeajadp wrote

There's a good chance it tripped a water leak switch in the pan that makes up the bottom of the unit. Could be a hose has come loose or has gone leaky.

I've had one where the water pump had started to leak just a smidge, but it has rusted out most of the bottom because it was leaking for a long time and had rusted the motor bearings too.

TL;DR: check the inside for water too.


Tsurugichris t1_jeam309 wrote

I have had the same issue with mine. What I can’t figure out is every time I open it after the wash cycle it is fine, but if my wife opens it the latch disengages and I have to push it back in. I had her hold on to my hand as I opened it once to see if I do it differently somehow, and it broke. So now I am the only one that is allowed to open the dishwasher.


KGhoti t1_jebko8u wrote

Is that akin to the kid who breaks the plates so they don't have to do dishes?


kecknj t1_jeboro0 wrote

I had the same issue with my Frigidaire, except the latch switch was broken and the harness was melted. Ended up replacing the entire harness. It wasn't as hard as I expected, and I probably could have gotten away with just spicing in some spare connectors, but at least I didn't have to buy a new dishwasher. Seems to be a very common issue.


Auirom t1_jec1rng wrote

We had this same issue with ours. I reset the latch twice before I bought a new one. Super simple to install ad no more issues with it. Atleast we didn't have the water leak issue where the water leaks into the button controls on top


srentiln t1_jea043n wrote

Check the manual to see if the 14 flashes are an error signal. If it is, then there will be more information available about what is wrong and how to fix it.


very_humble t1_jea23mz wrote

Not just the operator manual, there is typically also a service manual hidden on the appliance which is far more useful.


srentiln t1_jea5nps wrote

Can also find it on the manufacturer's website, I believe.


Malumeze86 t1_jea32sd wrote

It's a door latch malfunction.


skippingstone t1_jebid9n wrote

Frigidaire dish washers suck.

I replaced my fried main board 3 times at $120 a pop until I dumped it.


codycarreras t1_jec4rf0 wrote

They really do. I have one in my house, and luckily I’m renting, because it’s had to be fixed 3 times in 1.5 years. The purge pump failed a couple weeks ago again, and I don’t have high hopes for longevity.

Doesn’t clean worth a damn either, and yes I’ve seen the Technology Connections video. I’m actually watching TC right now.


mooky1977 t1_jecjwae wrote

EVERYTHING Frigidaire sucks! I say that as someone who owns a kitchen full of them from brand new.

  • Dishwasher - broke 2 times, kinda broken a 3rd, sometimes one of the lights fails to toggle on the panel.
  • Fridge - broke 5 times (ice maker still broken, after 4th break just left it disabled, it'll just break again)
  • Stove - broke 2 times.
  • Microwave - broke 3 times (3rd time was cheaper to replace than repair, bought LG)

Now 12 years old, but 60% of the breaks were within the first 3 years, ~80% within 5 years, and the last one was at year 8ish)


ptrexitus t1_jedpjry wrote

On my second wash pump. Samsung fridges suck too.


dark79 t1_jebnx7q wrote

I have an old Frigidaire dishwasher that came with the house when we bought it.

Not sure if it was doing the same as yours but it would just completely lose power in the middle of a cycle and then come back on (seconds, minutes later) with a PF error. Running it again, was usually fine.

Then it got to the point where it would always crap out at the beginning of the cycle.

There should be a button combo you can do to make it go through a test of all the cycles. That might help you isolate the issue. For me, it still crapped out at the beginning

Bought a main controller board that sits behind the door as it contains the main relays (I think) off eBay for really cheap. Picked up the seals and latches off an appliance repair site that has individual how-to videos for every part on the site. Replaced everything and it's been perfect since. $100 for everything.


Wundawuzi t1_jebv01s wrote

Dishwashers are incresibly simple machines if you exclude the PCB.

Your machine drains, so the drain pump works. Your machine fills, stops filling, and heats. So the magnetic valve that "lets the water in" works. Also whatever controls the amount of water (not familiar with your brand) likely also works. And the heating element is also fine.

The next thing hat would have to stat is the washing pump. But it doesnt. That could mean the pump has an issue. This is not unlikely, the can be damaged if something slipped your filter or evem if you wash lots of floury or similar stuff. Thats like sandpapering it for years. The pump is usually among the most expesive parts, but depending on what you got it might not be necessary to change the whole thing. Altough repairing a pump is kinda difficult if you never done it.

I dont really understand why you thing its the door latch? I dont know your brand and i'm not really a technician but the dishwashers I know have a simple on/off fuction in their door switch. "If door is open, do nothing" so it shouldnt even drain or fill if the latch was the issue. Again, not sure if that is true for your machine.


MechCADdie t1_jeby7rq wrote

It could be an interlock that prevents the machine from sending water all over your kitchen by checking the latch. If the switch is bad, it might be stuck in the off position, as that would be the safest way to have it designed.


Wundawuzi t1_jee2a27 wrote

Could be, but I find it strange that the machine then starts in the first place. Like, in the washers I know the door switch is (simply put) the second thing in the line with the first being the Power On/off switch.

So the machine shouldnt even drain/fill/heat if the latch was at fault. Which also makes sense because it prevents the kind of energy waste OP is experiencing.


Mil_lenny_L t1_jebwtti wrote

Hope you see this. This trick has saved me a million times and I hope it does the trick for you too.

Unscrew the dishwasher door and get the control panel off. The control panel connects to the dishwasher via a flat ribbon cable.

Clean the ends ribbon cable with a Staedtler white pencil eraser. Rub down the ribbon cable where it meets with the connector. You may see some corrosion there, or maybe not. It might not look like you're doing anything. But when you put it back together, the control panel works perfectly again!... For about 6 months, then you repeat the process for years until the door breaks from being unscrewed so many times. This has worked on my dishwasher and stove many many times.

Good luck.


Telefrag_Ent OP t1_jec832e wrote

Already got the part but ill try some contact cleaner on it before swapping them just to see thanks


NightcoreLive t1_jecs6f0 wrote

We've had the same issues with ours as well. We opened the door and panel as well as had to mess around with the drain. We where about to give up on the damm thing and then it suddenly worked on us out of nowhere. Hopefully some of the tips provided could help out.


NA_Panda t1_jebbeeh wrote

10/1 your chopper is currently stuck with something lodged in it.

It is a small blender inside your drain that pulverizes sold food left behind on the plates.


Valmond t1_jebiohi wrote

My man, Frigidaire means fridge in french, was I confused lol.

Good luck with the repairs!


az_shoe t1_jebv8mk wrote

Have the same dishwasher, and had to replace my latch within the first six months.


bored_in_ky t1_jecstrv wrote

I had the same dishwasher. Nothing but trouble once it started having issues. Spent about $100 on latch, seals, springs and other minor parts. Wish I would have replaced it sooner. Best of luck.