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JRsFancy t1_jcplle7 wrote

Hey garage door guy, should we occasionally lube the spring as well? I keep the chain and hinges lubed, but what about that super intense spring?


Duckbilling t1_jcpmhas wrote

Yeah, at least once a year. Twice might not be a bad idea if you live somewhere humid close to the ocean with salty air.


RunForrestRun t1_jcpls67 wrote

Definitely lube the big boy spring!


CrumblingCake t1_jcpqrm9 wrote

Too afraid to get close to that monster


RunForrestRun t1_jcqqegn wrote

You can get something that sprays and do it from the floor. They're loud if they break, but the real danger is when they're being wound or unwound - they'll have no problem snapping an arm in half.