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Syndicofberyl t1_je7110i wrote

Only use a deck block if you know 100% that the ground won't move. If frost is an issue at all, pour the footings.


CPOx t1_je71orj wrote

Canada means frost heave will be an issue for sure


frzn_dad t1_je7axyy wrote

False, there are soils that are none frost susceptible (NFS) like dry gravel that don't heave.

In some soils a footing to the frost line isnt sufficient to prevent frost jacking. Where the freezing soil heaving lifts the footer out of the ground with friction along the sides instead of from heaving underneath.


bonersnow OP t1_je71zf0 wrote

Thanks. This was the answer I needed, but didn't want to hear


Syndicofberyl t1_je7l3dr wrote

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but frost makes decks miserable if there's no footings


caucasian88 t1_jecv3u5 wrote

If you're attaching the deck to the house you 100% need to get down to below frost depth, otherwise the deck will pull away from the house.