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Chuckw44 t1_je7jjb8 wrote

You would go down 4ft for a deck that is 18 inches off the ground?


Robot0verlord t1_je7odii wrote

You need to penetrate below the frost line regardless of how far off the ground the deck is.


134dsaw t1_je7owfm wrote

That's the frost line in southern Ontario. There's no sense pouring a footing unless you get below the frost.


LeatherDonkey140 t1_je8jbko wrote

I would not do deck blocks…I would do a 24”x24x18” footing with a Simpson post base….and a couple of #4 bars horiz. And a bent one going from horiz to vert in center … I would also do a sono tube -8” above grade , burying posts is a bad idea even if ptdf…I build in Ca so frost not an issue, wood has no business sub grade, and deck blocks unless set in a footing are shit. I have built many decks this way, no issues.