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slapstik007 t1_jdn1x24 wrote

The green goes to the more circular/cylinder shaped prong, the other two won't matter the configuration.


SticksAndBones143 t1_jdnca5o wrote

Wait wait. Is this a 120v dryer? Where are you that these exist. Or is it a compact small dryer for an rv or something


danny_lion_ OP t1_jdnem45 wrote

Oh, I don’t know. It’s a whirlpool from the 80’s it looks like


danny_lion_ OP t1_jdneu8u wrote

And to answer your question, I’m in the US. Pittsburgh. The plug that came with it looked remarkably small for a dryer…


Tenet15 t1_jdo78mk wrote

I see it’s working but yes those were too small for 220V, 40A electric dryer. Seems to be a gas dryer and 120/15A motor.


danny_lion_ OP t1_jdn38uf wrote

It worked! I’m alive! Thank you!


chopsuwe t1_jdq0zwt wrote

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No_Train_5440 t1_jdmzrd7 wrote

Two hot and one ground for a 220 plug in the USA. Each hot carries half of a split 220 phase, so it doesn't matter.