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SlideConsistent t1_jcp5maj wrote

It's probably just the water pipes rattling around in the wall. I know that my water pipes rattle around because I can see them on the floor joists in my basement.


TheRageDragon t1_jcpajxz wrote

Yep, ours have been doing the same thing for over a decade. It's like whale and ocean sounds to me now. I'd be worried if it stopped at this point lol


[deleted] t1_jcp83i2 wrote



gredr t1_jcp9sqa wrote

I am imagining a poor copper pipe, alone in the wall, trembling and sweating from the massive effort of filling a giant toilet tank all by themselves.

In reality, though, pipes don't "vibrate from the struggle." Indeed, pipes don't "struggle" at all. In this case, I'd put a few bucks down on the "thermal expansion" theory.