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bemenaker t1_jebb6r2 wrote

For the amount on there, I would expect it to look like that at first. Rough sand, hit with couple more thin light coats, probably need to thin your mud a little more. Sand in between. It will clean up. Big spatula fast strokes.


Xilom OP t1_jebbf6f wrote

Is it too late to paper tape the inside corners?


bemenaker t1_jebblpv wrote

Rough sand first. Mud goes behind the paper tape anyways


Xilom OP t1_jebcgtk wrote

Should i buy an electric sander? Would that work better or what kind of sander


boomshakalakaah t1_jebd2pr wrote

For the sake of you and your house I’d get the shop vac sander tool with the sanding screens. They’re pretty cheap at Home Depot


TjW0569 t1_jebfpwu wrote

It'll go pretty fast with an electric sander. Use drywall sanding paper -- it looks like a screen with abrasive on it, so it doesn't load up.

Sand everything down more-or-less flat without going through the drywall paper or tape before applying more mud.

You're also going to need a much wider blade to do the tape. It looks like you have a four or five inch blade. You'll need a ten or twelve inch wide blade. Mix your mud a trifle thinner. It's easier to get right if you put on multiple thin coats, sanding flat in between.

The pros can do it in essentially one go, but that takes an amount of practice I don't have.

A real light orange peel texture will do a lot to conceal imperfections.


crankshaft123 t1_jec687j wrote

Tape is set with a 6" knife. Larger blades are used in subsequent coats.