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3rdrockww t1_jdtubay wrote

To me it looks like plumbers putty under the nuts. If so, it might make the nuts a little tougher to move than normal, but not like epoxy would.

Stupid as it sounds, I think you need to just keep working on the nuts. If you can get a screwdriver/chisel and a hammer up there and just tap on the nuts to spin them off, that might work. The nuts are plastic, at the very least you can break them off. Also, (and I only say this because I've done it) make sure you are turning the right way. I've been known to get confused when laying on my back looking up!


sbfx t1_jdua7sx wrote

You could be under there for hours. Don’t bother IMO, just take a sharp drill bit and break off the plastic wing nuts + epoxy with a drill. Break it in 2 sections then just take the whole sink out.

It’s not worth the time and hassle going under a sink with limited room to move tools around.