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reedstar1220 t1_it7oekm wrote

Most dishwashers have a float in the bottom of the tub. Possibly yours is faulty or obstructed in some way? Usually its just a plastic dome float with a electrical micro switch below the water.


brock_lee t1_it7oksu wrote

The usual thing is a partially clogged sump. You say you took it apart. Did you remove the sump cover and get down in there and clean out any gunk? It can be difficult since there's usually not lot of room.


domdogg123 t1_it7puur wrote


Check the air gap by the sink (it gets clogged)


Ember357 t1_it7t7an wrote

My frigidaire unit had this problem a while back, traced it back to the instrument panel, it was shorting and stopping before the end of the cycle. It had other significant issues that pointed to it but not draining was the first indicator. Later on, it was not finishing cycles, starting without human input and then only the Heavy wash button would light up.

Got a used part off Ebay for 100 bucks because new parts were 8 months to a year out. ( mid pandemic).


ripgressor1974 t1_it7xq3k wrote

For sure find a way to add the high loop to your drain hose.

I had an issue recently with my dishwasher not draining at all. I ended up taking the hoses off the pump (underneath dishwasher) and found some grapefruit seeds that had got past the filtering stuff inside the dishwasher somehow and that combined with soap scum and/or grease finally clogged enough that no water would pass when the pump came on. It may be worth removing the hoses from the pump to look in them and the pump itself for clogging.

Good luck.


reedstar1220 t1_it8039d wrote

It is possible that the micro switch below the ufo may be dislodged from the clip that holds it in place. This happens when little kids play with the ufo thingy lol


jakkarth t1_it88klq wrote

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TheFishBanjo t1_it89c85 wrote

So many possibilities --

  1. The pipes around the trap under your sink are partially blocked. Mine were full of cabbage once!

  2. Debris has gotten passed the screen into the sump area, partially blocking flow.

  3. The drain line from the dishwasher is plugged up with some gunk. I had that one my washer but it could happen to a DW.

  4. The impeller on the pump motor is having some trouble. Either gunked up -or- the impeller has become loose on the motor shaft -or- motor isn't spinning full speed.

That would be my order of attack. For the last one, I take the dishwasher out and lay it face down on the floor on a blanket to access the equipment on the bottom.