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JerseyWiseguy t1_it7m0o3 wrote

Whenever the space is that tight, I just use a squeeze-tube of caulk.


Govain t1_it7obon wrote

This is the way. Not sure what part of the shower is too tight for a standard caulk gun, but the squeeze tube is the way to go in tight spaces or if you just need a dab. Then just smooth it out with a (wet) finger.


pmormr t1_it7z00z wrote

I love the infomercial style "oh no it's too big what will we ever do with this normal caulk gun" video on a section of a sink that could absolutely be caulked with a normal caulk gun by rotating your wrist 180 degrees.


hdz90 t1_it7x8m9 wrote

Used one at work for two weeks of moderate use. Ended up in the trash after breaking some of the plastic on it. Was not impressed at all by quality or ease of use


KenwoodDIYGuy t1_it7qvx9 wrote

The Funny Carpenter on YouTube did a video review; he wasn’t impressed by it.


snakepliskinLA t1_it7ugu1 wrote

It looks like it splits the tube during use. I bet it’s a PITA to swap tubes, if you need to switch from caulk to adhesive.


jeffersonairmattress t1_it85ufa wrote

Yes it has to split the tube to get its plunger down the throat. Then it just wugga-wuggas itself along L- presumably by gripping the outside in a tripping ring/ collet-like thing.

I can’t see it lasting through one tube of PL premium you leave half- used. Never the twain would part.


jakkarth t1_it84n80 wrote

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