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Shenanigamii t1_isf2r3s wrote

When the cable company comes to install your coax, if they don't bury it that day and leave, call them and tell them it's a tripping hazard. They will be out the next day. I had xfinity do this to me where they installed the new line after replacing a faulty one, and just left it on the ground across my yard (about 80 feet of cable) for over a month. I called every day and they kept saying they can't and were sorry for the inconvenience. I also had to mow around it, then stop mowing, move the cable then continue again...serious pain in the ass. When I told one support rep that I was probably going to run it over one of these days, she got super defensive and started accusing me of threatening to damage their equipment. It was wild. Anyways...the moment I said to a different rep that it was a safety concern, they were out the next day and buried it.

TLDR; use safety as a reason to get them to actually do the shit they need to.


shoziku t1_isfju48 wrote

Sometimes they don't bury the cable right away. Usually due to winter conditions where the ground is frozen. Also, the techs can do hookups but burying the cable is manual labor so they would refer it to lower paid workers at a later date. But it's good you became a squeaky wheel because sometimes they don't follow up with the burial.