Submitted by EchoFourSix t3_yhlki9 in DIY

I have owned an apartment for 2 years now, the front door has always been an issue. In the past week or so the top right hand side of the door is catching on the frame meaning the door needs a strong push/pull in order to open/close it. Currently I've tried: lubricating the hinges, tightening the hinge screws, replacing the hinge screws with longer ones. None of these seem to have helped so having looked online I think the next step is going to get some sandpaper and sand the top of the door where it's catching to see if that helps, failing that it'll probably be replacing all the hinges. Am I on the right track here? Is there anything else I should be doing?

Edit: To avoid confusion, I own the apartment and the building landlord isn't answering their email but I doubt they will accept any responsibility for maintenance of my front door



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inubasket t1_iuedhl2 wrote

We had this same problem once! My husband had to remove the door completely and use a sander to shave down the top of the door.


fizzwig t1_iueeje8 wrote

If there is too much gap on the other side then adjust the hinge. Sometimes they can be bent. It may be able to set it deeper. If you have a long straightedge check the jamb on the sticking side. Out of plumb can be planed or chiesled


Syndicofberyl t1_iueen5b wrote

Occasionally the hinge can distort so that even tightening the screws/replacing them doesn't help. There are ways to true them up again. Sometimes the best trick is to just replace the hinge


trtreeetr t1_iuefs0n wrote

If you could post a pic of the door in the closed position that would be helpful


cbryancu t1_iuemesu wrote

If you rent, report it to maintenance. That's a safety issue.

If you own, the you will want to buy a manual planer if doing it by hand. That will be much easier than sand paper.

You can also try a washer, a penny, cardboard, paper...and put between frame and hinge to slightly tip door. Depends on where it rubs. if top rubs, you can add something to top hinge. if top side rubs, then bottom hinge. You need to have some space between door and frame on the other side of the top corner

picture helps


l397flake t1_iufq5sy wrote

Could also be settlement. Careful when shaving, do a little at a time, keep checking for good fit.


Wildweed t1_iuftd3g wrote

Sanding the door is NEVER the proper fix. There are literally TONS of diy videos re: this very subject.


88leo t1_iufu1jz wrote

New hinges.


DisastrousSyllabub6 t1_iufvq0x wrote

You can solve this by bending the top hinge bit. Take top pin , remove the hinge half on the door. Slightly bend the other hinge .


barrel-getya t1_iufzoke wrote

I worked as an apartment maintenance man for a couple of years. I found that happening frequently. My solution that worked very well, was to take apiece of wood, 2x4, I used, and hold it to the frame part that sticks. Take a hammer and strike the 2x4 hard. Just keep checking and hitting until the door clears. This will spread the opening so the door will swing freely. It may also spread the trim a little. I usually used a little caulk to hide the resulting gap.


ProvingUnique_ t1_iugagdp wrote

Little bit of sandpaper goes along way,

And yep I seen the other day sandingnisnt the proper fix. You rent, if the landlord don’t care enough to fix it, sand that mofo


imnotsoho t1_iugb0rm wrote

Close the door and look at the gap at the top of your door. If it is not consistent, the proper fix is to remove the casing and reshim the door so that gap is even. If it an apartment that should be the owners fix not yours.


darthvuder t1_iuh16e2 wrote

Ryobi makes a tool for this exact thing. You can use it with the door in place. That’s obviously to be used if the door was never put in correctly and always hit the frame


sparkselicious t1_iui7stk wrote

The correct step is to put in the maintenance request.


Fun_Raccoon8585 t1_iui92nn wrote

Deepen the mortise of the top hinge. Frame side or door side or both.

Only if you’re sure the opening and the door are both square.